Chapter 12

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I woke up with a familiar blanket over me. I grabbed the edge of my blanket, pulling it up over my face as I turned to my side in my own bed. Two minuets of trying to go back to sleep, I realized what was wrong. I sat up right out of fear and panic. I was in the little room I was renting, which I worried I wasn't. I was in my own bed, with the blankets my grandparents had given me over me. But what frightened me was that I wasn't alone. "You're finally awake," Prince Izana commented, setting down the book he took from one of my piles.

I just scurried away to the far side of the bed, wanting to stay as far away from him as possible. The prince got up and sat on the edge of my bed. I pulled my legs in cowering into a ball, as a lump started growing in my throat. I cowered as his hand approaching, only imagining the worst. The back of his hand just lightly touch my forehead. "No fever," he commented, "Are you feeling better."

I opened my eyes a crack to see his sapphire eyes dating down at me. I grabbed my blanket and pulled dot over my head, violated by his gaze. "Leave me alone," I begged, tears starting to drop down my face.

My bed sprung back up, telling me he had gotten up. I stiffened, scared of what would happen next. "Alright," he said simply.

I popped out to look at him with wide eyes. I found he was heading to the door. Wait, he wasn't taking me with, or staying. I didn't need to beat his side all the time? "Huh?" I questioned, confused by his actions. Crap, he was probably trying to lure me into a false sense of safety, like I had freedom. Freedom he would strip away.

"Do you want me to leave or not+" he asked. Most would show signs of aggravation, but the prince showed none. I was so confused by his actions.

I actually didn't know myself. I wanted the prince to stay, but the man I caught a sex trading company with to stay. Too bad they were the same person. "You obviously aren't of the best health, so I'll stay," he said, and sat down in my desk chair once again.

I stayed in the corner of my bed, wrapped in my blanket. I was so confused. He had to be acting. Just like he had done back than. Of course nobles will do anything to get what they want. It doesn't matter what lengths they go, they will do anything. But here's the thing, I'll do anything to get them out of my life. And I need to remeber that. I threw off my blanket, flopping down to reach under my bed. I gripped around something cool and metallic.

I pried the sword out from underneath and jumped up into my feet, bouncing a bit on he bed. "Leave," I told him, the tip of his sheathed sword in his face. He looked up the blade in a stoic expression. I pulled the weapon away only to throw it at him. "Leave and never come back," I hissed through me fear.

I glared down the prince as he inspected his sword. He 0layed with a ribbon that I had tied around the top oft he hilt. He had originally used it in my hair, but I moved it to the sword. "So you had it all this time," he said, amused by the simple fact.

My glare got sharper. He freed the floral ribbon from its tight knot and sat his sword on the ground. He stood up, not close to my hight for me standing upon furniture. He was quick to step up, ignoring the fact he had shoes on. I continued to stand my ground, not letting him see my weakness.

He removed the old string keeping my hair in its pony tale. He then gathered my hair once again in a bun atopy head, only to tie it in place with the ribbon. "Much better," he commented as he tired the bow.

I could have done something childish, but instead I turned to leave. I had gotten to my door, when a hand slammed against it, keeping it shut. "I'm not going to chase you down again," he growled. I was cornered. There wasn't anything I could do. Not even stop myself from shaking.

After a moment of silence I was turned around to race the prince. "Are you scree of me?" he asked in confusion. I couldn't answer, but the terrible state I was in answered for me. "You're scared of me," he said in disbelief, "Why are you scared for me?" I huged myself, feeling the anger soon to come. Anger wasn't good on a brat who expects to get everything he wants.

All he wanted was my hair. I ducked under his outstretched arm and grabbed the sword from the floor. Izana watched in worry. I pulled the sheath off of the sword and threw it at him. "If you want my hair, you can have it," I told him, bringing the sword up to the nape of my neck to get as much off as I could.

I found the prince hand pulled down the sword with his bare hand, cutting it in the process. "I don't want your hair, I want you," he sighed, leaning I close to me. My eyes widened as his closed. I just kicked him away and rolled to the side to get some distance. "I should have expected that," he winced, rubbing his stomach.

I stood up, ready to leave. But once again the prince stopped the door from opening, this time with an outstretched leg. "There is obviously a misunderstanding between us, let's talk it out," he offered with a kind smile. He thought he was going to get his way, boy was he wrong. I just glared down at him. "Come on, if I was really forcing you to be with me, why did I take back here instead of the palace."

I mean he did have a point. Wait, did he know what I was thinking. Oh yeah, he can easily read people. But once again false sense of security. "Besides forcing someone to love me isn't how I do things," I felt his breath on the back of my neck, "I make them love me." I was shaking due to his proximity.

I couldn't take it. "Just leave me alone," I begged, close to a whisper.

I could feel his breath getting closer and closer. To the point I could almost feel his lips against my ear. "Of course," he whispered into my ear, "But I am going to make you love me."

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