Chapter 3

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My back felt better after getting it properly treated. Then also being in a fresh change of clothing. I wore a short sleeved, cream blouse and a brown skirt that went to mid shin, with the same pair of dirt splattered boots. My hair once again had the security layer of dirt, and was up in a bun. I just sat at an empty table observing everyone around me. I had an apple in my hands, planning on eating at one point or another. "Good to see you have stopped bleeding," Dad said coming to sit next to me.

I have him a smile, "I'm bleed more often than not," I informed him, only getting him confused. He did have time to question it as Kazuki dragged over my sister and that white haired guy from earlier. I was finally calm enough to eat knowing my sister was safe. I pulled a meat knife into my hand, using it to slice of a part of the apple before popping it into my mouth.

"Shirayuki," Kazuki demanded the attention of me sister. "Wanna hear a story about pops?" Oh great he was goon a talk on and on about how awesome our dad was. Like don't get me wrong, my dad is awesome. Just don't need to go on about I for hours.

I felt someone watching me. I peaked up from my work on my apple to find the white haired guy watching me. "We haven't been introduced," he said from across the table, "I'm Zen."

Things started to click into place. He was the one they were talking about on the ship, and Yuki was so happy to hear about. They had to be more than friends to get that reaction out of her. They probably were dating or something. I gave him my kindest smile. "I'm Akarozu, Yuki's sister if you haven't figured it out," I informed him.

He let out a little snicker. "You two should have switch names, would have suited you hair colors much better," he joked. I rolled my eyes, I've heard that one plenty of time.

Heck I've said that one plenty of times. "Oh, I know, but it's fun confusing people. Growing up it was like we were a pair, Shirayuki and Akarozu, you can guess who everyone though which was which." It really only happened once with each person. Anyone only ever made the mistake once, as it's an easy mistake to remember. The conversation sorta died there. I wanted to know more about this guy though, he could be my future brother-in-law for all I knew. "I saw you earlier, you good with a sword, where did you learn how to fight?"

Shirayuki was getting held up by Kazuki, so neither of us had anyone else to talk to. "It was just an expectations for me, I had teachers and plenty of practice I guess."

I  looked down at the table, "It really helps when you're fighting for someone you love." I didn't need to see their reactions to know why happened. Bother were looking at me dumbfounded, with an embarrassingly red blush on their faces. I peaked up to see I was correct. A smirk played on my face. "Don't worry, I've seen you are capable of protecting her, and I've never seen her as happy as she is when even just your name is mentioned. You're sister approved."

"Rozu," Yuki whined, trying to hide her face in her hands. On the other hand there was a smile of the boy's face.

I leaned over the table to get a bit closer. "Dad may try to mess with you, but don't worry he's just on oaf that wants grandkids," I have him a smile and threw myself back in my seat. "And besides, he gave us away, so my approval is the only one that matters."

"Akarozu," Dad hissed, hearing my comments,  "Are you slandering my name again?"

I burst my lips and shook my head. "Is it truly slander if what I say is true," I pointed out, waving around the knife I had been using for cutting up my apple. He just rolled his eyes at me and left me to my devices.

The night went on and soon my sister and I were the last ones at the table, after it treated Kazuki away. Yuki shook her head as I came over to sit next to her. "I think we switched hair lengths," I joked running my hand through her hair. I would almost always have short hair and her long, now it was the other way around. I grabbed a lock and started braiding it. "You really do look so much like mom..." I told her with a soft smile. I only have so many memories of our mother, as she died when I was 6, but they were still more than Yuki's none.

She just closed her eyes and let me continue to braid her hair. "I'm glad to see you like this," she broke the sisterly silence between us. I hummed in order to let her know I didn't get what she meant. "You're much more you know. You don't hold your tongue, hide in baggy clothes and trousers, and even the dirt in you're hair is a thinner layer. I don't think over seen you like that since you were twelve...." She grew silent for a moment, letting her statement sink in for the both of us. " Something must have happened for you to change?"

A smoke played on my lips. " It's close to about 9 months ago now. I was in Northern regions of Clarines. Women had been going missing from the streets, and I wanted to figure it out and put an end to it. My first day of investigating I happened to be witness to a theft. I grabbed the nearest sword, as I had lost my own, and ran after them. The guy I had borrowed the sword from alps was investigating the disappearances. For stealing, as he put it, his sword I needed to help him. I spent quite o bit of time with him, and he preferred the aspect of this me peaking through, so I've been trying to embrace them more. "

I had two braid done, and pulled them back to meet at the back of her had, giving them a crown like look. I took a decorative clip from my hair and put it in her own. "Sounds like love to me," Yuki tired to tease me.

I smiled and looked to the stars. "Had you asked me at the time I would have denied it. But over these months my mind tends to wander to him. If anything I have a crush on him."

The Choices We Make (Snow White With Red Hair Fanfiction) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt