Chapter 2

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"You should be alright for a while, but we really needed to get those properly treated soon," Yuki told me as I slid my shirt on back over the banadegs she made from her dress. "Now, what are you doing here!?" Her worry turned to anger.

I sighed as I sat back down a cross from her. "Well I came back home for the day Grandma died, like I always did, but you weren't there. Everyone told me what happened. So I decided it was time to stop adventuring, I wasn't there to protect you. So my next goal was to find you. There were rumors here and there. When I heard you were going to be at the Tanbarun Ball I knew I needed to go. I have snuck into my fair share of balls, what was one more. Then you were kidnapped, and sadly I knew who did it, "I glared at Kazuki at this statement. This could have all been avoided if they would have left Shirayuki alone, like I told them to." I got there in time   for the Claw of the Sea to capture me as well. "

Kazuki came over from his pacing and sat near us. "I take it you've had run in with the Claw before?" He seemed to be disappointed in me.

I regretful smile played on my lips. "It was on one of my first adventures, I cross dressed and became part of the crew, and when Umihebi found out I was a girl, she wasn't too happy."

The conversation couldn't go much further as the cell door opened and someone was pushed in. I pushed Kazuki and Yuki behind me, to protect them from who ever this was. Knowing the claw, probably no one good.

" Kiki, " Shirayuki gasped and pushed through my arms to the blond girl. I sat there with a clocked head of confusion.

The woman and my sister shared a hug. "How are you Shirayuki?" this "Kiki" asked. Kazuki and I just watched awkwardly as the two interacted. We shared a look of confusion. I gave him a painful shrug, causing me to wince.

"Rozu," Ykui turned back to me at my sudden discomfort. She came over and was going to tend to me.

I slapped away her hands. "I'm fine," I told her through a glare. She finally realized we had not been introduced.

Shirayuki looked back and fourth trying to decided who to introduce first. "Hi I'm Akarozu, Shirayuki's older sister," I introduced myself, "This is Kazuki, he doesn't listen well." I shot him another glare. He threw up his arms in defense.

The woman bowed her head to me in greeting. "I'm Kiki, a friend of Shirayuki," she introduced herself.

I bowed my head to her as well. "Any friend of my sister is a friend of mine," I assured the beautiful woman. Beauties usually have the most bite.

She turned her attention back to my sister. "Shirayuki, I have something for you from Zen," Kiki told her. My sister scurried over. Zen, they had said that name before. It was familiar beyond that.

I was curious about who hey were, but to quiet to actually ask something. I scolded myself to say what was on my mind, but I couldn't bring myself to. Shirayuki might think I'm being to blunt. She wasn't to find of my constant questioning before, doubt she would like it now. It be best just to sit this through.

It was a rocky trip. It seemed to be smooth sailing until the came down and took Shirayuki. We were all tense during the time she was gone, staying quiet so we could try and hear what was going on in deck. It is hard to hear much over the roar of the open sea. She was quickly returned, where I gave her a warm embrace, more to assure myself than her. The boat started shaking vigorously. We must be going to their hide out. The only place they would go in such rough water.

Once everything was still I knew we were at their hideout. It only took so long for us all to be forced off the boat. "They followed us!" someone yelled. Everyone looked back beyond the pirate shop to find another barreling towards it at full speed.

"Shit," I mumbled to myself. At the distance we were from the ship there was a high chance on getting stuck by debre. I kicked the Priate holding me down, doing the same for the other three. "Run," I told them simpling, rushing them infront of me, staying in the rear.

I didn't see the ships collide, but just by the sound I could tell there was a lot of damage. I turned around and whistled. "That's one way to destroy a boat," I commented kicking up the nearest shale piece of wood to cut me free. I then proceeded to start using it as a weapon, joining the fray against the Claw of the sea. There were Lions in the fray as well, along with a few I did not recognize. Based on their wardrobe they were not new recruts. One had greenish hair, with expert swordsman ship. Another was Kiki, being a kick ass woman and fighting herself. The last one was a guy wearing a cape and had white hair. He fought with so much emotion. I doubt I would own if I went up to him, and I'm pretty good.

It was sorta hard for me not the kill pirates, but seeing as I was using a ship piece as a weapon, it wasn't as hard as I thought. I've sorta gotten used to killing bad guys, but I only go after those that deserve death. Man I need some help. Coming to the surface I found Dad and Shirayuki face to face, for the first time. I smiled at let them be. Not time for an entire family reunion. Nor did I want more people to see my hair running free.

The pounding sound of thunder got closer and closer to me. "Gypsophilia!" I greeted my horse with happiness. "You're the best horse I could have ever asked for." I complimented her as I ran my hand through her main. In her saddle bag I kept a hood, for moments like this.

I couldn't have gotten my hood on soon enough. "Akarozu!" Dad screamed my name, not out of anger but worry. "You're back is dropping blood." Both my dad and sister ran over to fret over me.

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