Chapter 6

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I was so nervous being in a castle. Anyone could be a noble. A scheming good for nothing noble. I just held myself close and stayed close to Yuki. "I told them I wanted to do this, and they all immediately started planning something. I think they want to impress you," she teased me a bit. We had yet to actually enter the castle, but walking through the palace grounds. I looked up to the sky to see the sun was close to setting.

I just gave my sister a forced smile," I'm entirely uncomfortable, "I confessed to her, feigning happiness. She just grabbed my hand in reassurance. Yuki was quick to lead me to a garden with flowers everywhere. With in the center of it was a group of five or so people. I thought this was just going to be with prince Zen, which was bad enough. But now there was more people.

Yuki sensed this scared me and gave my hand a comforting squeeze. "Hi everyone," she greeted them all with a smile. She let go of my hand and rushed into the group of intimidating people. I was slow to follow her, more interested in the flowers than anything else. Never had a seen so may varieties in one place. "For those of you who don't know, this is my sister Akarozu," Shirayuki introduced me, prying my attention away from the daisies growing to the side of my feet.

I looked up and gave them all a timid wave. "Hopefully you remeber Kiki and Zen," Yuki started with the two I had met before. "Then this is Obi and Mitsuhide. This is Garak and Ryuu, fellow court herbalists." I felt out of place in the group. They all were so well dressed. On my hand I was wearing a simple brown and cream dress with a rose pattern hand stitched at the hem, the a dirt stain apron, and matching boots. I dust covered hair was up in a bin and covered with a red handkerchief. Our classes were obviously shown.

All were watching me, waiting to see what I would do next. I ass on edge about Zen, as he was high ranked, but I wasn't sure who else was. Both Garak and Ryuu were plainly dressed, then on top of being court herbalists, they couldn't be from too high of stature. But the other three were harder to figure out. All stood a step behind the prince, and wore clothing befitting that of a noble. They must be his advisers or something along those lines.

Obi though wore the close less comfortably, and were even a step down from the other's. He must be new, and from a non noble background. Mitsuhide held himself with confidence. Not the arrogant confidence of a blue blood, but the confidence built from experience, the type I've seen worn by knights and soldiers time and time again. Kiki I've spent the most time with out of anyone, she willingly put herself into danger to protect Yuki, so she has my respect and trust. She still held herself much higher even with men in the same position, as if they were one even ground. This is a trait I've seen solely in noble women, and radicals like myself. Even if she was from a high family she has done enough to prove to me she is kind and caring. The only one I had to worry about was Zen Wisteria, second prince on Clarines.

Even with this all figured out I didn't know what to do. "Shirayuki has said you like flowers," Garak said, taking lead, obviously not waiting around for me to start a conversation.

I nodded my head, "I do, very much so." I saw a budding blossom in the side of my view. One day it would be a beautiful flower.

"So we got herbs and flowers," Obi teased us, "Got most of the plants covered just with the two of you." I wasn't sure how to take that. Was it a compliment? Was it an insult?

I decided to take it as a compliment. "Why thank you. I'm not sure how my dear sister thinks, but I take pride in the variety of knowledge we have gathered," I said plainly, with a slight bow of the head.

Small laughs broke out. "Got some thick skin, you two really are like sisters," Mitsuhide commented.

I smiled and wrapped an arm around Yuki's shoulder. "I'm happy to hear Yuki doesn't let other's words effect her, something most people die without learning,"

The gathering was quick to proceed. People would ask me questions, I'd respond with snide remarks,or they would have a conversation while I listened quietly. One thing was obvious, I was avoiding Zen. "Rozu" my sister quietly hissed at me, wanting me to do what I came here for. To be able to trust Zen.

I couldn't figure out how to do it without seeming rude. I was searching my mind to bring it up. 'It's so much easier if you just say what's on your mind. I actually lole it when you do,' his advice echoed in my ears. I turned to face the younger prince. I pinched myself in the thigh for good messure and approached him. "Zen," I called his attention, and in turn everyone else's. "I apologize for this, but I am prejudice towards blue bloods, I do not trust them, but Yuki had told me you are different, and I want to believe her. The only one who can prove that though is yourself." And I caused an awkward silence.

What confidence I had melted away the longer the silence held. I took a step back, gazing down at the ground once again. "Has she always been this blunt?" Ryuu broke the silence.

"Most of time," Yuki answered with a shrug. I was a complicated person going through shifts and changes, but I found being blunt has always been the easiest. Conversation envolped around us but I just stood waiting for the prince's answer while he thought of it.

His blue eyes looked up to meet my red. "If you fear I am only using Shirayuki for her hair, you're wrong. There is so much more to her. She always wants to be better, which has caused me to chase on after her as she betters herself." A glorious truth of my ever changing sister. "She always seems to go beyond any expectations their are of her. She astounds me to now bounds, and I'm glad to have her by my side, and never hope to bring her any pain or sorrow."

I glanced back to the ground, processing what he said. There were turhts to his words. Those of Yuki that would only be known by those who truly payed attention to her. At most he saw beyond her hair. I gave him a small smile. "For now I'll give you my trust. Words can only go so far young prince. They can be twisted into lies and falsehoods. Actions prove to work far better, so show me what you say is true. Show you're heart is good and selfless and I'll give you my complete trust."

"Where did you learn to talk like that?" Obi interrupted the moment before it even began. "You don't talk like some girl from a small village."

"Cause I'm not," I shrugged, "I'm from the forest." It was even more of a diffence from what he pointed out. "Just I know the words, so I'll use them."

"You're just jealous she talks better than you," Mirsuhide teased his fellow aid.

I smiled at the friendly interaction. "Akarozu," Kiki called for my attention, steange as she was fairly quiet until now. "Why are you prejudice against nobles?"

I put on a stoic face, and I felt Yuki looking at me in worry. I will take those reasons to my grave. I do not need to be seen as weak. "No," I refused simply.

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