Chapter 19

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It had been one month, two weeks and five days since Izana carried in a poisoned Akarozu. Not like anyone was counting. But it seemed like the entire palace knew. Things weren't normal after that day.

Izana made sure she had her own room, not to far from the medical building. Shirayuki's days were know filled with taking care of her sister, though she did not mind. She had plenty of experience of it. "Rozu," Shirayuki called out to her sister as she entered in the morning. She felt like taking to her would help, and they've always done that, even if she couldn't talk back. "I'm back."

She looked around the room to find yet more fresh roses. She knew who was leaving them, no one was surprised. She was just worried the garden was gonna run out of roses with the coming winter. "I see he came to visit again." Once again no response, not like it was a surprise. "Have I told you they are already calling you his fiancé."

The red head let out a little laugh. "You probably didn't agree to that, but not like you can say anything..." She looked down at her sister. The only thing that gave away she wasn't dead was the gentle rise and fall of her chest. Other than that, she was as pale as ever, her hair pulled back, as her sister knew she preferred it to be so. But she was dressed in a sleep gown instead of trousers, unlike how she likes it.

"I brought your favorite," the younger sister changed the topic. "Apple sauce." Whenever Akarozu had a stomach ache growing up, she'd eat nothing but apple sauce. Once learning her dietary restrictions, it made complete sense. Dairy was a no. Meat was a rarety.

It was so strange to her feeding her sister. The last time she saw Rozu in a similar state she was well enough to feed herself. She also vowed never to fall victim to poison ever again. Due to the discomfort Shirayuki couldn't get herself to take to her at that time.

Once the small dish was empty, she repositioned her sister to lay back down. "Zen and I decided to get married the next fall,"she explained, "We hope your awake by then. I don't know anyone better to be my maid of honor." It was like talking to a wall.

Still she persisted. "I've been sending letters to Father. He's worried about you. I wouldn't give him much longer before he come here himself." The afternoon persisted of Shirayuki filling in her sleeping sister of all the drama going in in the castle. She would only leave after she fed her sister dinner, usually a broth of sorts.

The younger sister aways worried when she left, like something was going to happen. She wouldn't be able to bear it if something happens and no one is around. But she also knew that was not so. Shortly after Shirayuki would leave, Izana would come.

He made a habit to visit her everyday. Of course he would do omething as well, read or do paperwork were common. The day didn't seem any different. He came to the room after super, and would stay until he felt it was time to depart for the night. He had a book in hand, and a simple gate of waking.

When he was opening the door he heard a soft thud from inside. He dropped the book, reaching for his sword. He practically threw himself through the doors. He was worried of an intruder. He didn't need to worry anymore. Cause there slumped in the floor next the the bed as Akarozu, wide red eyes watching him.

He dropped his sword and rushed to her side. She watched him with a slightly agap mouth. He slid down to be crouched in front of her. He cupped her face in his hands, he didn't care that she felt greasing from the lack of washing. He just stared down into her ruby eye. Not a moment later he could tell there was something wrong. The was a shine missing to her eyes. While there would be a glimmer present in her time of passion. But the ever constant shine was gone.

Izana pulled her into a hug, knowing they both needed it. But Akarozu just stiffened under his touch. There was so much he wanted to tell her. But first she needed to get checked. "Let's get you back in bed, and I'll send someone to go fetch the chief herbalist." He would have loved to just sfopp her up and easily put her back into bed. Despite her strength and height she was a relatively light girl.

Instead he held out his arms for her to use for balance. Shakily she stuck in foot out from beneath her. Akarozu was reliant more upon her own to legs the the ssistibg arms that currently held hers. Izana still stayed, prepaired to catch her if he must. She managed to get onto her own to feet, with no help.

Only for a moment. She started shaking. Izana firmly held her up. She looked completely frightened. "I got you, just sit down," the prince assured her. She was still shaking as she lowered herself onto the edge of the bed. "Do you need help getting comfortable?" he questioned, not wanting to eave her in such a distressed state.

She lightly shook her head. Akarozu stared down at the floor. Izana felt it was best not to push her with anything. She had just woken up from being unconscious for a month.

"I'll be back with an herbalist," Izana told her, and slowly left the room, icking u his sword as he left. Once the doors were shut he bolted for the medical wing, surprising those there, cleaning up for the night. "She's awake," he informed them, trying to hide his happiness. Everyone saw his smile though.

"Just let m grab my things, and I'll go see Lady Akarozu," Garak said, hiding a smirk. It was rare to discover one of the crown prince's soft spots.

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