Chapter 15

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There was a light nock on the door. I stopped cutting up vegetables and went to answer the door. I was a bit confused, usually every time one of my friends of family leave, they say when they'll be back next, and then wasn't one of those times. I figured it could be a lost traveler, or an emergency. Yet I was in no rush.

I opened the door to find nothing but the same old forest I now called home. Confused, I took a step out. Instead of the Flatt stoop of the house, there was something under my foot. There was a small box and a flowers. Not a cut flowers, like most would do, but a potted ones. Just a few simple poppy stems. Poppies: eternal sleep, or oblivian. Despite my confusion I brought in the objects.

I placed the pot in the window md returned to the kitchen. Curiosity got the best of me, and I opened the box. In it was a hair comb, there the golden Bridge was carved to look like Ivy. I placed it back in the box and sat it down, knowing fully well it did not belong to me. I pushed the incident to the back of my mind, and went along my day or tending to my plants, and writing.

That was until a knock came the next day, and the day after that. A solid five more days gifts were left on the door step. I had gathered pots of anemone, bell flowers, aster, dahlias, and foxglove. If someone was trying to woe me, they weren't doing it with flowers. As the means, in order, are; sickness, gratitude, fidelity, betrail, and insecurity. Along with the flowers came a stunning, yet simple gown, a silver bracelet, a bottle of fragrant perfume, a jeweled necklace, and a pair of shining heels. All of these things were just growing a pile on the table I once ate at.

The next knock to come was infuriating. I rushed to the door, dagger in my hand. I almost pulled the door of the hinges, as I was ready to chase down whoever was leaving me these unwanted gift. Instead I found the group of people I liked to visit my house. "I know we didn't tell you we were coming, but you don't need to be that angry," Mitsuhibe scoffed, lower the dagger I was holding in the air.

I sighed and lowered my guard. "Sorry, just on edge recently," I apologized, stepping aside to let them all in. "But what brings you all here?"

I shut the door behind them once they were all in. "It's hectic at the palace right now," Shirayuki informed me. "We all needed some air."

"Well Year always welcomed here," I told them, "Some of my plants started bearing fruit, so your welcome to help yourself to anything."

"Speaking of fruit," Obi sighed, holding up a basket of apples for me to come get from his perch on the window sil.

I happily took the basket from him, quick to notice the ribbon weaved into the basket. It was the same kind as I had in my hair. The one I got from Prince Izana. "Who are these from," I asked with a stoic face and voice.

I could tell they were all a bit confused by the sudden tension in the room. "They were on my work desk, but I thought I should bring them to you," Yuki explained, "Why?"

I took a moment to think. Prince Izana is probably aware I'm still in concatc with Shirayuki. But if he would try to give something directly to her to give to me, she'd deny it. Instead he'd leave something that would seem to be for her, but he'd know there would be a likely chance to give to me. But by the off chance they wouldn't make it to me, it be too much of a risk to tamper with them. So the wrre nothing but simple apples. "Just wanting to know who to thank," I explained with an empty tone. At least he could send useful gifts.

"I'll go cut some of these up," I told them and left to the kitchen. I wasn't gone too long before I returned with a plate covered in fresh apple slices. I just sat it down on the coffee table, having them there for the others to snack on. Obi got up from his window purch in order to get closer to the food.

"What's going on at the castle?" I asked out of curiosity. It had to be so etching bug to get the entire group to want to get out.

There was a group sigh that came from all of them. "There's a rush to find my brother a bride, as the ball didn't work. So there's women and gifts arriving for him every minuet. The choas has just taken over." I didn't know how to take that. Izana was moving on.

"It's even effect us in the medical wing," Yuki complained, "All these girls showing up for nothing."

"Let's not talk about it while we're here," Mitsuhibe sighed, "We came her to get away from it all." Just like I did.

But with the change of subject came a silence. "I see you're bringing flowers inside now," Kiki commented, her eyes hovering over the crowded windowsill beside the door.

I just groaned and sat down in an open chair. "I guess," I shrugged, unable to hide my annoyance of their existence. As if on que there was a knock on the door. The others quickly grew confused, as I grew enraged. I got up and stormed to the door, pulling out my dagger as doing so. Once again, no one but the empty forest. "STOP GIVING ME SHIT!" I yelled out to whomever was running away from the house in the woods.

All that was left this time was a roll of paper, blinded by a golden ring, and a pot of a few red tulips. I practically threw the tulips on the window sill, and the scroll into the other room. "It's been a week," I complained, "I don't even know who's sending them."

"Where is everything lse you've been given?" Yuki asked in concern.

I crossed my arms and sighed, "Gathering in the kitchen." Just that sinole information caused them all to go and inspect them.

I just stayed in the other room, laying down in the couch. Kiki soon walked up to me, and dropped the papers down to me. "You've got an admirer," she said simply. Like I didn't know that.

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