Chapter 23

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My arrival in town wasn't noticed. To everyone I was just another person passing through. I did how ever have plans to stay for a while. The rumors of people going missing from town have spread to the surrounding cities. Once I heard of the Happenings I got stuck onto my stupid heroics once again. Despite the fact I should probably take a job, cause I already sold my sword to afford good, I speed off to this port city.

I could afford to stable Gypsophilia for a week. The stable hand said the prices were even lower than usual, for the lack of travelers. Hopefully I'd be able to help before I run out of spare change for food.

I was walking through the roads, that would usually be much bussuer at night. I needed to find an alright hotel that I could afford with the bit of money I had left. No one would expect to find many people on the tavern row before lunch.

That meant it was all the more frightening when I heard s grill scream coming from around the buolding I was walking past. I bolted to the scene.

A man corned a woman between the buildings. In his hand was a dripping cloth. Something not good had to be on it. "Hey!" I yelled at the man before rushing him. I managed to pin him to the wall. He was struggling though and could easily break free. "Run!" I told the woman, knowing she was frozen in shock. I did my best to rrstircit the man as I heard her foot steps rush away.

Luckily they got far away before the guy punched me away. We went from pushes to punches. I escalated it further, by kicking in in the gut. Must have realized he couldn't take me and started running. Of course I ran after him.

"Hey stop!" I yelled after him. In he ran to the more crowded parts of town, to try and use people for cover. It was still early in the morning, so there wasn't as much of a crowd as he would have hoped.

As I was chasing him I realized if I was to catch him, I wouldn't have an edge over him. He could still get away. I needed a weapon. I barely needed to search before I found one. There, on the hip of a some guy on a white horse was a sword. I rann past, grabbing the sword as I did. "I'll bring it right back!" I yelled out and continued after the sketchy guy.

While I had my attention set of the one who tried to kidnap a girl, I did notice there was a small crowd of people now casing after me. The guy ran around a corner into a more deserted area. I couldn't tell exactly what he was doing. That was until the same white horse appeared in my path. "I'm after him!" I screamed out, pointing down the way at the running man. He must have slipped between buildings cause he was no longer in sight.

I let out a soft groan. I could have had him, and all the answers on the missing women.

"Get on your knees," one of the men yelled from behind me. I felt the tip of a sword press up against my back.

I slowly clambered down onto my knees. As well as sat down the sword and put my hands up, before they even asked.

- * -

Saddly, being in cells is not new to me. "Are you asleep in there?" someone called out to me.

I peaked my eyes open to find the guy on the horse watching me. Blond, well dressed, and from what I could tell arrogant. Had to be some high shot knight or so thing sent here to deal with the missing women.

I just sat up, seeing as he wanted to have a conversation. "Why did you steal my sword?" he questioned.

"Well, like I said yesterday, I was borrowing it so I could get that guy, cause I found him trying to kidnap a woman," I repeated myself for what had to be the twentieth time.

He leaned against the bars, glaring down at me. "And how do I know you aren't involved with all the missing women, and just using that as an excuse?" he questioned.

I tried not to roll my eyes. At least you can't tell I was a woman myself. "Because I'm here to help figure out why they are going missing. I can take you to the stable I'm keeping my horse at, and they can tell you I showed up yesterday, not even an hour before you apprehended me. You also have my things. Looking through them you will find nothing incriminating."

" Why? " the blond questioned, "Why do you want to find these women?"

I actually did roll my eyes this time, and scoffed. "A lot of people call it stupid heroics," I answered with a shrug, "I call it doing the right thing."

With a huff of annoyance the guy left. Leaving me all alone in the cell. I only could have hoped for my journal, to write to pass the time.

A couple hours later one of the other men came up to the cell. "Do you actually know how to use a sword?" he asked me.

"Yea," I answered with a shrug.

The guy pulled out the key. "Well today's your lucky day, for retrevutiin, you gonna help find all those missing women."

- * -

I hadn't been alowed to leave the room in days. They should have just left me in the cell. I had gone over all the information the had so many times I've had it memorized.

I just sat in my chair in the back corner, writting away in my journal. They at least gave me my stuff back. The door to the room burst open and in stormed the blond I charge of anything.

"Figure out anything new Theif?" he asked me, throwing himself down in the chair behind the desk.

Not like there has been no knew information, ever. "Nope," I said simply.

"Then what are you writting all the time?" he questioned, "You're basically just here watching everything and doing nothing."

I bit my tongue, knowing better than to tell him off. I wasn't allowed to do anything, by his orders. I can't ask questions, I can't see witnesses, I can't even leave the room. What am I meant to do with all these prices of paper but go crazy and connect things that are not even related. Of course I would turn my attention onto something. "Just passing the time," I told him simply.

I knew I was getting glared at, but I elected to ignore his grumpy mood.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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