"You too Kazumi-San."

"I have heard much of Aya, I've been told how lovely she is." This 'Kazumi' woman speaks, and I have no idea what she is talking about.

"Thank you, I am sure Aya appreciates it. It's very good to see you."

"You too Rika, I would make sure she drinks lots of water, I saw her fainting which isn't a good sign."

"I will. Thank you again."

"The pleasure is all mine." Kazumi leaves, I look at Rika in confusion.

"Who was she?"

"I'm surprised you don't know, she's Jin's grandmother."

"His grandmother? She does not look old enough to have a grandson." I was in shock.

"Now, let's get you something to drink."

"I'm fine Mom really."

"I'll make you some herbal tea, go have a nice warm shower." Rika insists, I do as she says, I head to my room, grabbing my nighty. In the bathroom I strip down completely, looking at my body. I can tell as of lately I have gained weight; all I can see is this disgusting blob. I hop in the shower now feeling very self-conscious. The water splashes against my skin, I stand for a good five minutes just thinking of the most ridiculous things, putting my image down. After getting out, I dry my body complete before hearing a few voices down stairs. I creak open the door to hear Rika and Jin.

I don't have the energy right now.

"Aya, someone's here to see you." Rika calls, I open and close the door quietly, sneaking into my room. I let out a huge sigh, startled by a knock.

"Aya? Are you awake?" I keep myself quiet, I jump onto my bed pretending to have fallen asleep. The door squeaks open and closed.

"I think she's gone to sleep, sorry Jin."

"I understand. Do you mind if I come back tomorrow?"

"Of course, you're welcome anytime."

"Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow." I hear Rika let him out before I burst into tears, weeping and heavily breathing. Rika opens the door heading to my side.

"Honey what's wrong?" all I do is continue to cry.

"Did Jin do something?" I shake my head, "Julia?" I sit up.

"I don't know, I just feel really emotional right now and I just feel really upset and I have no idea why." I attempt to explain, she plants her hand on the side of my head, swiping away the tears.

"I understand. You just had exams, and you're going through a very hormonal stage. Your body is still growing. It's normal and part of life." Rika explains, I lessen the weeping rubbing my eyes.

"I just wish I didn't feel this way."

"You look extremely tired, try get a good sleep okay? Both Daichi and I are here if you need us."

"Thank you."


I can never remember how or when I fall asleep, I woke up around nine feeling better then yesterday. Perhaps all I needed was a decent sleep after the stress of exams. I got up, got dressed, did my hair went down for breakfast.

"Mmm, Daichi what are you cooking?"

"I'm cooking mini omelettes, would you like one?"

"Yes please!" My excitement for food had never been so uplifting. The doorbell rings, I open it and of course it was Jin.

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