Chapter 16

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I shoot Julia a text, I felt bad that I hadn't gone to hers.

Hey, sorry about earlier...

I think something is wrong with me...


I sit there and wait for moments until she text me back.

Aww, hope you're okay! Did you wanna chat?


I sigh, knowing I couldn't be bothered, but then again Julia was always able to chat with.

How about you come over for dinner?


I know Rika and Daichi wouldn't mind, since it's their twenty-fifth Anniversary tonight, I'd make some toasties for Julia and I or something like that.

"Aya, we're leaving now, we probably won't be back until midnight! You sure you will be fine?" Rika comes in my room unexpectedly.

"Is Julia allowed to come over for a bit?"

"Of course, tell her I said hi." Rika smiled, I gave her a small grin before she left, Julia replying to my previous text.

Be there in a sec.


I went down stairs, waving goodbye to my adopted parents. Literally seconds later, Julia had arrived out front in her car.

"Have you always had a car?" I question tilting my head.

"No, I was going to surprise you and tell you I got my license." Julia slammed the door shut before locking her car.

"It's pretty snazzy." I giggle letting Julia in. Julia and I sat down in the couch, we looked at each other for a moment before she sighed.

"Aya, you've gotten my thinking about something," Julia paused, I widening my eyes, "have you been feeling nauseous in the mornings?"

"What? No! No... No..." I awkwardly spoke out, "No..."

"Well, have you felt anything else? Have you spoken to Jin?"

"Only once today, I didn't really feel like speaking at all, I had this dream."

"What was it?"

"That these voices were telling me not to stay and that another generation mustn't start."

"Oh spirits, I think maybe you could be with a child."


"It's a thought!"

"No way, I guess we'll just have to wait and see, I'm due for my period tomorrow anyways, I'll let you know about it." Julia gives me a smile as usual.

"By the way, my eighteenth birthday is next Friday, I plan on having a little get together, did you want to come?"

"Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

"I'm glad! I wasn't thinking about anything too big, maybe like a nice dinner or something." Julia admitted, at least I know she's not like the other girls.

"That sounds like a lovely idea! Do you think you'll invite a lot of people?"

"No, not really, maybe a few of the girls, Hwoarang and maybe Steve and Shin of course, but I'm not too sure."

"And what about Jin?"

"Oh well of course! Him and Hwoarang are close, so I couldn't do that to Jin."

"I understand, man I feel like I've been a terrible person lately, lying and being a really bad girl." I sigh in disappointment.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, everyone make's mistakes, even I have."

"Oh yeah, like what?"

"Well... I once went on a date with Bob, and half way through, I text Michelle to call me as if something bad happened..." Julia looked down in shame.

"No way! As if! Really?" I look at her in shock, she sends back an embarrassed smirk, nodding her head.

"Julia Chang! Oh this is gold!" I can't help but giggle.

"I know! Bob is sweet and all, but he just isn't for me."

"I get it, I can't really say much because I don't know him really, but I'm sure someone will be out there for him."

"I think so too."


After a long time of chatting and gossiping; the usual girly stuff, I start to worry about Rika and Daichi. Although they did mention they wouldn't be home until late, I figure that Julia and I would stay up and watch some chick flick or something.

"Aya, someone's calling you!" Julia called out getting dressed into her Pyjamas.

"Who is it?"

"Who do you think?"

"Ugh, I couldn't be bothered!" All I hear is a giggle response from Julia. She comes out with my phone; several miss calls from Jin.

"Why is he calling me? I don't get it."

"Oh look, he left a voice message!" Julia clicks play.

'Can you call me back? It's important that we talk.'

"Huh, I wonder what it's about..."

"Call him back!"

"I cannot be bothered tonight!" I whine.

"I'm calling him for you then." Julia taps on the screen, the dial tone ringing.

"Julia no!" She puts it on loud speaker.

"Hello?" My phone must be on private.

"Say something!" Julia mouths.

"Jin! Hi!" I awkwardly say, Julia sitting in front, being as quiet as she can be.

"Aya? Is that you?"

"Yes..." I awkwardly say again.

"Good. Are you alone?" I look up at Julia, she shrugs her shoulders.


"Aya I can't stop thinking about it." I knew what he was talking about.

"About what?"

"When I transformed, I know your body must still hurt..." Julia smirked.

"Oh, no I'm okay! Really! I've just had a few headaches and stuff, nothing too serious."

"I want to see you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? What time? I've got Julia over but she's in the shower at the moment." I tell a fib.

"Around two? Is that okay with you?" Julia nods.

"Yeah that should be fine, where did you want to meet up?"

"I was thinking the local park, it's a nice area to sit around in."

"Sure, I guess I'll see you then?"


"Okay, bye Jin."

"Bye-" I hung up before Jin finished his sentence; Julia burst into laughter.

"Oh my god! That was so embarrassing!" I groan.

"That was still so sweet, he cared about how you were!"

"Ugh, why do I do this to myself?" I toss my phone onto the table going through the shows on Netflix.

"Wow, you have Netflix?"

"Yeah. Rika begged Daichi to get it, I am so relieved I have stuff to watch now!"

The rest of the night, Julia and I end up watching some weird cartoon; we weren't aware of the name, but we ended up drifting off into a sleep, and next thing I know, I'm waking up awkwardly on top of Julia. 

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