Chapter 21

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It had been a couple of months, everything was going really well with Jin and I. The sex was always great, and we tried to not do it as to become addicts, or with anyone was around. To be truthful, we actually had sex in the science lab once, it was interesting, but felt incredible to be this bad. Honestly speaking, I was almost always feeling horny whenever I was around him. The more we did it, the better we got, and the more we got to learn what we liked within our bodies. Whenever in gym class, seeing Jin's six-pack had me day dreaming and drooling until Mr Ganryu would interrupt my thoughts.

Although my relationship was fine, I was very worried about the upcoming exams. I'm doing above average in all my classes, and excelling at my art elective; Jin however is improving bit by bit.

Currently, I am in my English exam, writing a persuasive piece on 'Why Japan should stop taking Part in Whale Hunting'. Just in the middle of writing, I take a closer look at the image used on the topic- sick was launching, I could feel rising up. I stand up, sprinting out of the classroom and to the nearest bathrooms. I hold my own hair back, letting the sick relieve from me. I groan feeling better, but still very sickly.

"Miss Yamazaki? Aya are you alright?" Miss Miura's voice emerged, I was glad she was the one to come in and see me.

"Y-yeah..." I rub my eyes; Miss Miura opens the door.

"Would you like to go to the nurse's office?" Miss Miura suggests, I nod getting up to flush the toilet and wash my face and hands.

"Do you think it's stress? Exams can be very stressful."

"I think so, I've been studying really hard but I feel like I've already failed."

"Don't be silly! If you would like, I can give you more time after school?"

"That would be great, thank you." Miss Miura knocks on Michelle's door. She opens it in surprise to see me.

"Aya? Don't you have an exam?"

"She's been sick, I'm thinking it's stress." Miss Miura told Michelle.

"I see, well you can spend as much time as you would like." Miss Miura leaves me with Michelle, I take a seat on the nurse's bed, I still wasn't feeling the greatest, but I certainly didn't feel like throwing up anymore.

"Quarter past eleven, at least you made it through over half way. Tell me, how long have you been feeling this?"

"Ever since the exams were announced, I didn't expect them to be this quickly."

"Is the first time actually vomiting?" Michelle asks, I just nod feeling like absolute crap. I watch Michelle pour a cup of water before passing it to me.

"Have some water, I think I should call Rika for you. I wish for you to get better."

"Thanks Michelle." I lay myself down, lacking the energy.

"Aya? Rika is here to pick you up." Michelle's kind voice wakes me up. I sit up, Rika had to leave work for me which had made me feel bad. Rika already had my bag when I saw her after walking outside of nurse's office.

"Take care Aya." Michelle speaks, Rika's arm surrounds me as I feel some kind of warmth. The short drive was quiet, when we step through the door into home, Rika heads straight for the kitchen, placing my bag down in the corner.

"Take a shower and get into your pyjamas, I'll make you Hōtō soup." Rika's instructions were clear. I saunter towards the bathroom, reluctantly getting undressed before turning the taps to bring on the showering water. I just stand there under the outpouring of water, staring into space. The warmth of the water's touch made me feel that little bit better, even though I felt like a drowned rat. Washing my hair and body, after turning off the taps I felt extremely cold. Quickly, I dry myself before dressing into my purple flannel pyjamas, getting under the covers.

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