Chapter 7

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"You have a nice room." I compliment Julia as we chuck our bags on the floor getting comfortable on the bed.

"So, what happened today? You seemed quiet at lunch, you hardly touched your food."

"Jin was asking about what happened in Australia about my adopted parents, the ones I told you about."

"Oh, yeah that would have gotten to me too."

"But enough about me, I have to tell you something, but you can't say a thing!"

"Okay!" Julia begins to get nervous as her face is covered in a faint rouge red.

"I've been talking to Hwoarang a lot lately, and he was telling me about how he likes you!" Julia covers her mouth in utter shock, blushing like theirs no stopping it.

"Are you serious?"

"I am! I think he wants to take you to the formal, but you can't say anything!"

"I won't, do you think I should make a move?" I nod giggling with Julia. A friend was exactly what I needed, I hadn't had anyone care for me in such a long time I started to feel more confident around others. Julia and I talked for ages whilst working on our Assignments.

"The boys won't do anything, and I'm glad we've finished so then us four could get together and chat then." Julia implies.

"Yeah maybe, gosh I can't believe the time already! I better go, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah of course." I leave shortly after giving Julia a quick squeeze. I walk for a little while wondering why Jin had that knowing look on his face when I told him about my past. I slip through the door hoping Rika or Daichi wouldn't notice.

"You're a little late missy." A deep voice startles me.

"Hi Daichi..." I turn around before exhaling a huge breath.

"Any reason why you're home at two past five?"

"I was at Julia's house, she was helping me feel better."

"Oh the Changs, very lovely ladies they are, maybe this weekend you could have Julia come over." Daichi stalks past me allowing my relief to take over. I head straight to my room straight onto my computer to see the notifications on Facebook. One notification got me in particular, a friend request from Jin. I was already friends with the majority of the class, Julia was the first. I knew as soon as I accepted it, something would go on. I accept his request and within seconds, he messages me.


I'm not sure what to reply, or if I should reply at all, but I guess he wants to talk about today. Before I reply, I check out his page.

"Seems normal, wait, what?" I see a photo of him and Xiaoyu as new profile picture updated a day ago.

"Son of a bitch!" I yell to myself clicking into the conversation with Jin. I feel anger, but I can't get ahead of myself.



Pls Reply.

I choose to ignore him, exiting out of Facebook before my phone began vibrating.

"Are you seeing this?" I answer to Hwoarang's voice.

"Yeah, Jin is messaging me..."

"Someone's hacked into his account, to get to you and I think its Xiaoyu."

"You're joking right?"

"Do you really think Jin would upload a fake edit like that?"

"Wait so it's edited? Looks real to me."

"Come on Aya, I'm with Jin right now." I hang up the phone. I freaked out throwing it away from me. I hear it vibrate again and I refuse to answer. Instead, I choose to take a shower. I take off my clothes chucking them in the basket turning on the streaming hot water. I wet my hair and body before rubbing in the shampoo, rinsing and adding conditioner at the tips. Scrubbing my body, I clean the soap off hopping out of the shower. Wrapped in my dressing gown, I blow dry my hair before changing into a pair of summer pyjamas cuddling under the blanket eventually falling asleep.

I wake up to a vibration on my phone, this time it was Julia.

"Hey Jules."

"Aya, Hwoarang told me you hung up on him?"

"I didn't mean too, he mentioned Kazama and I freaked out."

"Hwoarang was a little worried he had done something wrong by you."

"I should message him, or call him, god I feel terrible."

"Don't worry about him, he'll be fine, but Aya can I ask you something?"

"Sure, go for it."

"Do you like Jin?"

"It's possible."

Affliction // TekkenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin