Too Many Chances (Part 2)

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-Day 1 with Uncle Danny-

-Next Day-

(Yeah I know a huge time jump)

Danny- "Lissy time to wake up"

Lissy- "Go away Uncle Danny"

Danny- "No can do Lissy. You got to go school today"

Lissy- "It wont miss me"

Danny- "Allyssa get out of bed now"

Lissy- "Five more minutes"

Danny- "Fine"

Lissy- I smiled to myself and I slept for a couple of minutes

-5 mintues later-

Danny- "Lissy its been 5 minutes. Time to get out of bed"

Lissy- "5 more minutes"

Danny- "Lissy you got three seconds to get out of bed or your phone is mine."

Lissy- "Yeah right"

Danny- "1"

Lissy- "Your joking right"?

Danny- "2"

Lissy- "Stop messing around Uncle Danny"

Danny- "3" I said and waited like two more seconds. Then i grabbed her phone off the charger.

Lissy- "Hey! Give it back" I yelled as I sat up in bed

Danny- "Nope not going to happen"

Lissy- "Uncle Danny! What if my Dad calls me"?

Danny- "You should've thought about that"

Lissy- I sighed then a genius idea poped into my head. "But what if i need it for an emergency at school or something. Then how am I supposed to reach you"?

Danny- "Alright but one more back talk or disobedience I'm taking it back. Is that clear"?

Lissy- "Yes Uncle Danny"

Danny- "Excuse me"?

Lissy- "Yes Sir"

Danny- I handed her phone back but I knew that I regretted it. "Be downstairs in 5 minutes" I said as I left without leaving any room for any arguements

-10 minutes later-

Danny- "Your 5 minutes late Lissy"

Lissy- "Sorry I couldnt find my homework" i lied

Danny- I raised my eyebrows at her but then decided to drop it

Lissy- "So what's for breakfast"?

Danny- "Waffles"

Lissy- "Can't we have pancakes"?

Danny- "Sorry Lissy I dont have time to make you pancakes"

Lissy- "Okay"

Danny- "Eat up, we need to get you to school in 10 minutes"

Lissy- "Ok"

-At the school-

Danny- "Have a good day Lossy"

Lissy- "Bye Uncle Danny" I said as I got out of his car and went into the school

Danny- I watch her go in before i left and headed to work

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