P.S. Im sorry

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Lissy- I layed in bed thinking that it has been 4 years since my grandpa had died. I miss him so much.

Knock knock

Dad- "Morning Lissy, time to get up"

Lissy- "Okay be right down"

-5 minutes later-

Lissy- "Good morning" I said as sat came into the kitchen.

Dad- "Morning sweetie. Did you sleep good"?

Lissy- " Yeah"

Dad- "Finish up soon cause we need to leave in 15 minutes"

Lissy- "Why"?

Dad- "I have to go work early today"

Lissy- "Oh okay"

Dad- "Remember 15 minutes" I said leaving the kitchen

Lissy- "I know Dad"

-15 minutes later-

Dad- "Ready"? I asked as we got into the car

Lissy- "Guess so"

Dad- "What's wrong"? I asked as I drove

Lissy- " Nothing "

Dad- "Lissy I know something is wrong. What is it"?

Lissy- "Dad there is nothing wrong"

Dad- "Hey,  I don't need attitude young lady"

Lissy- I rolled my eyes

Dad- "Enough with the attitude"

Lissy- "whatever"

Dad- "Allyssa McGarrertt" I said warningly as I parked

Lissy- "What"? I asked him

Dad- " Look at me"

Lissy- I looked at him.

Dad- "What's really going on"?

Lissy- "Dad I already told you.
Nothing "

Dad- "Lissy" I said softly

Lissy- "I need to get going"

Dad- "Okay. I'll be back here at 2:45"

Lissy- "Okay. Bye Dad,  love you" I said as I got out of the truck.

Dad- " Bye Lissy, love you too" I said as left. I watch her go into the building then drove off.


*Time Skip To Two Hours Later*

Ring Ring

Phone Call......

Steve- "McGarrertt"?

?? - " Hello Mr. McGarrertt "?

Steve- " Yes,  who's this"?

?? - "I'm the principal at your daughter school"

Steve- "What can I do for you Sir"?

Principal- "I'm sorry for bothering you Sir but I'm calling because i was wondering if your daughter is alright"

Steve- "9kay hasn't showed up for any of her classes today"

Steve-" What do you mean?  I saw her go into the school this morning "

Principal- "Well i want to inform you because she is usually a on time student
Steve- "Thank you for informing me and I will make sure she will come to school tomorrow morning"

Principal- "I hope so Sir. Goodbye"

Steve- "Goodbye"

End Of Phone Call......

Danny- "Who was that"?

Steve-- " That was Lissy school informing me that she didn't go to any of her classes"

Where did Lissy go??

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