Family Visiting *Not Fair* (Part 2)

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Steve/Dad- "So I thought that Mom (Doris) could take the guest room and Mary and Joan can take Lissy room. Then Lissy can join me in my room"

Lissy- "Wait....what? I have to give up my room for them"? I said when I heard that I have to give up my room.

Steve- "Yes, it's the nice thing to do"

Lissy- "You never asked me if it Would be fine"

Steve- "I thought you would be fine with it'

Lissy- "Well I'm not Dad"

Mary- "Steve it's fine"

Doris- "Yeah....I don't mind sharing the guest room with Mary and Joan"

Steve- "No Doris, Mary and Joan are going to take Lissy room"

Steve- "No Doris, Mary and Joan are going to take Lissy room"

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Lissy- "But Dad its not fair! You never asked me"

Steve- "Allyssa" I said in a warning tone

Lissy- "You don't care what I want. You only care about you want"

Steve- "Allyssa McGarrett" I said louder

Lissy- "First you make me come with you, second you get on my case, and thirdly you give my room away"

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Lissy- "First you make me come with you, second you get on my case, and thirdly you give my room away"

Steve- "Allyssa McKenzie McGarrett"

Lissy- "What do you want"? I said in a very sassy tone

Steve- "Don't you dare speak to me that way Allyssa McGarrett" I said sternly

Steve- "Don't you dare speak to me that way Allyssa McGarrett"  I said sternly

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