Chapter 11

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*Rye's POV*

"Rye. I'm going to sit right here," Jack begins, setting on the chair in his room. "and you're going to explain to me exactly what is going on. I'll let you have time to make me understand before I make some stupid decision."

I cringe lightly as he locks the door as well.

"I- Jack, you'll hate me." I whisper fidgeting with my hands.

"Well give me a reason not to. Midnight Man."

We sit there in silence for a few minutes as I built up the courage to say what I needed to say.

"Four years ago I was going to university. Everything had been going amazing for the first time in a long time since my parents passed. I had a roommate named Shawn."

I watched as Jack's eyes widen slightly at the realization and connection.

"One night we came home from a party, me just a little tipsy but Shawn was full on drunk. That night he did things to me that I will, never forget. I still can barely get the feeling to go away, or the words he said to stop repeating in my head. The bruises he left all over my body."

I shiver, feeling the itch growing again. But I push the feeling aside.

"The next day Shawn had gotten back to our dorm and we ended up in a fight about what he had done to me. I got scared and didn't know what else to do. So I grabbed my knife off the wall, and I killed him. His murder was ruled suicide. Then as time passed, things never really got easier. I had suffered a lot with my PTSD but threw myself back into things way too fast. I had met a guy at the club, drunk off his ass and just looking for someone to put his dick in. I just got the urge to kill him the more and more I saw him groping all the guys he could in the club so I did. And the four after him were quite similar, up to the lady in the apartments, who happened to try and sexually assault me seconds after I had gotten to the club." I finish out.

"The club where we met?" Jack questions now, and I look up to see he wasn't really as shocked as I thought he would be, a more curious look on his face than anything.

"Yeah, the club we met at." I answer softly.

"Did you ever try to kill me?"

I was slightly shocked from the question but nodded.

"Yeah, I just couldn't. Something drew me to you and I just fell for you."

"Ok look Rye. I don't want you to be scared ok? I kind of understand why you did it. But you need to let me tell the other boys so they'll understand without calling the police alright?"

Jack doesn't have any sense of fear as he makes his way to me, settling in my lap. I cautiously wrap my arms around his waist, digging my head into his neck.

"I might end up going to jail for a long time Jack." I whisper now as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"We'll figure things out. But for right now and for a few days, no one can even get here."

"When are you going to tell them?"

Jack shifts and stands up.

"Now. But I want you to stay in here. Lock the door ok?"

I nod in understanding as he makes his way out. I lock it, listening as his footsteps disappear down the hall. A few minutes later I can hear yelling and I cringe, curling up on the other side of the room under Jack's desk. My entire body begins to tremble, even as the yelling dies down. Eyes blurring from tears. By the time I hear the doorknob jiggle and a knock I'm full on sobbing, not being able to move a muscle.

"Andy go get me my key!" I hear Jack yell from the other side of the door. "Rye baby? Rye can you hear me?"

I can hear the panic in his voice, making my sobs grow louder as I curl up on my side underneath the desk now. I can't breathe as I try to gasp for air, black spots slowly clouding my vision. The last thing I see is the door being swung open, and Jack running toward me.

*Jack's POV*

"Damn it! Andy I need help." I say quickly as I reach Rye's now unconscious form.

"What happened?" Andy asks softly, kneeling down next to me.

"He sounded like he was panicking." I begin to explain before we hear a groan in front of us.

"Jack?" Rye whimpers out, reaching up to clutch his head.

"What's wrong?" I immediately ask, settling closer to him.

"Hurts." Rye moans out, curling up into my lap.

"What hurts?"

Rye gags and Andy grabs my bin quickly before Rye pukes violently into the bin. I set there slightly shocked as I watch him continue to empty his stomach into the bin. It doesn't stop until long after he's dry heaving. I had moved him to the bed after the second time he puked. Andy having left and brought back water and a cold wet flannel as Rye began to sweat profusely.

"Is he asleep?" Mikey whispers from the door.

I nod, continuing to carefully rub circles into his tummy.

"What happened?" Brook asks, following Mikey into the room and both setting down on the chairs beside the bed.

"He had a panic attack, which resulted in puking, a lot." I answer quietly as I pepper light kisses along his shoulders.

"What are we going to do?" Andy asks softly as he comes in, curling up into Mikey's lap.

"I mean, he killed them for a reason. But I guess we'll have to follow what the law says if someone does come get him."

I look down at Rye's now calm face, dotted where blood vessels popped because he puked so hard.

"What am I going to do with you?" I whisper to him.

Before you go all "bUt He'S a MuRdErEr!¡" just wait thank you very much. Anyways! The boys know now, what do you think is going to happen next? Peace and love, see you on the stupid side x

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