Chapter 9

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*Jack's POV*

I sat off to the side watching as Sophie and Rye worked on closing up the shop. I couldn't keep my eyes off of the brunette as he quickly made work of throwing off his apron and pulling on a hoodie. I was so entranced that I jumped when he was directly in front of me, hand outstretched and waiting for mine.

"Bye Soph!" Rye yells back.

"Bye Beaumont!" He gets in return and I look at him weird. 

"My last name is Beaumont." He mumbles.

"Hey, I got the bus this morning. Could you maybe bring me home so I can grab a few things just in case?" Rye asks softly a couple minutes later as we make our way toward my car.

I look over, meeting his chocolate brown eyes and nod. Choosing to not speak in fear of continuing to stutter over my words. I unlock my car with my free hand, Rye climbing in on the other side.

"Where do you live?" I ask shyly now as I start the engine.

"No need to get shy on me now babe," Rye says softly. "Here I'll put it into your GPS so I don't get you lost."

I get so lost in my thoughts as I drive that I hardly notice that Rye again laced his fingers through mine.

I throw the car in park, turning to meet Ryes' eyes, making blush for the first time burn up his cheeks. He was caught, doing nothing but staring at me.

"Want me to come inside with you?" I ask quietly, and as I shift I tangle my fingers tighter with Ryes'.

"Please." Rye says distractedly.

Almost stumbling out of the car I follow Rye up the short walk to his house. I stare in complete awe at the beautiful building.

It had to of been built hundreds of years ago

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It had to of been built hundreds of years ago. But when I come back to my senses Rye is nowhere to be seen. I almost scream as an arm is wrapped around my waist.

"Shhh babe. It's just me. Come on my room is this way." Rye says quietly, bringing me in the opposite direction that I was aimlessly walking.

Setting down on the bed I watch Ryes' silhouette in his closet move around as he grabs things. I let my eyes travel around, something silver catching my attention. I hold back a gasp as I focus on what I see in front of me.

"Rye?" I call out.

"Yeah?" He replies coming back into view.

I put my guard up, terrified that one word could set him off.

"What's that?" I ask, trying to not flinch as he follows my finger to where it's pointing at the three bladed knife.

"Oh! My father got that for me for my 10th birthday. It was a collectible he got from Japan." Rye answered casually.

*Rye's POV*

I wasn't lying so the words tumbled off my lips easily. I resumed grabbing clothes as I hear Jack stand up. Jumping slightly when I feel his fingers slip between mine as he cuddles into my side.

"I don't want to pry," Jack starts. "But where do your parents live?"

*Jacks POV*

"W-well..." Rye begins to say, and I watch as sadness clouds his face.

"You don't have to talk about it." I say quickly, cuddling into his chest as we just stand there.

"My parents passed when I was young. Not long after my twin brothers were born I had gone on a trip with a couple of my friends. Once we returned home though I was pulled into the sheriffs office, only to be told that my entire family passed away in a house fire that morning." I listen to Rye explain intently, and I can hear the pain in his voice of loosing them.

"They meant a lot to you didn't they?" I ask softly, looking up into Rye's eyes.

"More than anything in the world." Rye answers me softly.

I'm frozen in place as Rye's hand that's free finds its way to my neck, both of us slowly leaning in before I turn at last second, coughing.

"We should probably get going before we get sn..." I begin.

"Snowed in." Rye finishes, both of us laughing slightly.

I rub the back of my neck, sighing lightly. Why couldn't I just let him kiss me?


"Jack? Is that you?" I hear a yell from the kitchen.

"Here I'll take these to my room." I say taking Rye's stuff before yelling, "Yeah! Rye is with me."

"Wait. Rye from the cafe?" I hear Brook's voice ask excitedly and I laugh shaking my head as I set Rye's stuff on my bed.

I turn around, jumping slightly from Rye being directly behind me.

"Sorry. I just followed." Rye apologies shyly.

I kiss his cheek lightly before taking his hand and walking out of my bedroom.

"No need to apologize." I mumble, pulling him into the kitchen with me as all eyes land on us and drifting straight to our hands.

"Nice to see you again Rye." Mikey speaks up cheerfully in the back of the room, making the tension ease.

"Hi guys. Sorry to just kind of surprise visit. But I got out early because of the storm and..." Rye begins to ramble so so cut him off.

"I invited him to hang out." I say as Rye moves from holding my hand to having his arm wrapped around me as I rest my elbows against the island countertop.

"Well, I guess movie day?" Andy speaks up, and I look to see him eyeing the arm around me.

I about roll my eyes since I had just asked him not that long ago to help me be comfortable with dating again and then he does this.

"To the cinema room!" Brook squeals excitedly making Mikey wrap his arms around him to calm him down.

I stand there for a moment as Andy, Mikey, and Brooklyn disappear out of the kitchen.

"I don't want to be mean, but why exactly does Brooklyn live with you all?" Rye asks softly as I turn in his arms, making him wrap his arm fully around me.

"Brook and Andy grew up not too far from each other," I begin to explain. "Brook was a very quiet child. But Andy was able to break down his walls. Brook lets just say has very severe anxiety, debilitating him from being able to live a normal life. But when he's home or just around us boys in general its like he's never had anxiety in his life. Andy just kind of never gave up on him. So when Brook's parents both passed Andy took him in."

"And what about Mikey? Doesn't that put a strain on his and Andy's relationship?" Rye asks now, making me smile and shake my head slightly. "What?"

"Mikey and Andy have an open relationship, or what is called a polyamorous relationship. I've even been part of it a little bit here and there." I admit to Rye, and I feel his arm tighten around me.

"Are you already jealous?" I tease lightly before Rye's arm drops, his face heating up and turning bright red. "Hey don't worry."

Taking his hand I pull us toward the cinema room, and I watch Rye's jaw drop in awe making me laugh lightly as I plop down onto a couch.

Hope everyone is doing welllll 💙 Jack and Rye are finally spending time together 😏 Peace and love, see you on the stupid side x

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