Chapter 6

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Warning slight mentions of suicide. No descriptions.

*Jack's POV*

Getting back home I ignore the calls from the other boys behind me as I slam my door shut. Completely forgetting about my tea I curl up on my bed and groan out in pure frustration before falling into a restless sleep.

*Rye's POV*

It was dark by the time me and Sophie locked up.

"Have a good night babe." She says softly before kissing my cheek and heading off in the direction of her apartment.

"Do you need me to walk you?" I call out last second.

"Nah I'll be fine babe. Thank you!" She calls back before disappearing around the corner.

I stand there debating in my head my options before climbing into my car. Aimlessly I drive until I'm parked in a familiar parking lot with a familiar house across the street. I climb out of my car, pulling on some new latex gloves before strapping my knife around me with my belt. I need to do this for me so I can avoid falling in love.

Making my way across the street and up the front steps I quietly try the door and it's unlocked yet again. I hear the faint sound of a TV but ignore it as I soundlessly make my way to the pretty boys room, closing the door behind me. Stood in the dark corner I watch as he sleeps soundly, but hiding as I hear the door creek.

It opens revealing the boy that I flirted with at my job. He makes his way over, setting next to the boy on the bed.

"Jack?" Andy says softly. "Baby boy?"

That's Jack! Wait, did he just call him baby boy? I'm conflicted, but stay in my position, knowing that I would regret moving.

"Yeah Fovvs?" I hear Jack mumble sleepily.

"We're all sorry about earlier." Andy apologizes.

"It's alright," Jack says, yawning. "You guys didn't really know my ex so it's ok."

"No it's really not. We continuously pressure you to date. And we shouldn't because you aren't ready." Andy says, now playing with Jack's hair.

"I just can't believe he's gone still." Jack's voice trembles.

"I know baby. I know." Andy lays down now with Jack, holding him tightly.

My legs begin to go numb in their position but as soon as I hear snores I'm quick to slip out the bedroom and out of the house.

What happened to his boyfriend? I hope to God it wasn't me.

*Jack's POV*

I groan as my eyes open, curling more up onto the body next to me.

"Morning Jack." I hear Andy mumble sleepily as he runs his free hand up and down my back underneath my shirt.

"Fovvs?" I ask sleepily now nuzzling into his neck, laying light kisses here and there.

He hums in response, tilting his head to give me more access.

"I know it's not going to be easy, but will you help me with being comfortable with dating again?" I mumble.

"You sure?" Andy asks softly, with his hand in my hair, shifting so he can look me in the eyes.

"Yeah I think so." I answer, a small smile slipping onto his lips.


"A young gentleman age 19 has committed suicide. Last night at approximately 20:00 his body was found by his boyfriend...."

"TURN IT OFF!" I scream, body trembling as I puke into the toilet again.

"See what you did!" My mother taunts.

"I-it wasn't my fault!" I sob, as she grabs me and drags me to my room.

"Pack your things. You aren't welcome here anymore." She hisses.

"Mum?" My voice squeaks out.

"You're no son of mine." Is the last thing she said before she left.


I moved to the UK not long after . Living off the streets for months until Andy found me.

"Hey. Mike. Look at him. We can't leave him like this." Andy had whispered, thinking I was asleep.

"Andy we don't even know him? What would Brook think?" Mikey whispers back.

"It doesn't matter. He looks too young to be living on his own. Let alone on the streets." Andy scolds, kneeling down in front of me.

I shift looking up to him, eyes wide with fright of the unknown.

"Hi babe. I'm Andy." He says softly with a smile.

"H-hi. I'm J-Jack." I stutter, having not spoken in months.

I can see Andy's face drop in concern.

"Would you like to come home with us?" He asks softly, and I nod with tears in my eyes, not even being able to speak.

"Hey, shhh babe don't cry." He soothes pulling me into a hug.


I was in the middle of a shower when Brook and I met.

"Fovvs?" A voice calls into the bathroom and then the curtain is moved.

I squeak, turning away.

"Who are you?" Brook asked in shock.

"Brook!" I hear Andy exclaim from the doorway, shaking Brook out of his trance of looking at me.

"Who's this?" Brook asks now as I gingerly shut the curtains again.

"That's our new roommate." Andy says carefully.

"Oh sick!" Brook says, his voice going excited now.

"Come here though. We need to talk." I can hear the seriousness behind Andy's voice.

From then on I had been like family to them.

"I swear if people saw this household they'd think we were all dating." I hear Mikey from the door.

A grin spreads across Andy's face before giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Breakfast time." He says ruffling my hair as I groan, stretching across him so neither of us can move from the bed unless I do, making both me and Mikey laugh as Andy struggles.

I've been struggling with a future chapter for a while now but have finally got unstuck. Can't wait for you guys to see the rest. Peace and love, see you on the stupid side x

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