But to be honest, I don't care where I am as long as I'm with him. That's enough for me.

"What's your favorite animal in the world." He asked.

I smiled and then he rest his head on my lap. "My favorite animal in the world?"

He nodded looking like an innocent chipmunk.

"Chipmunk." I said.

He laughed, "Why chipmunk?"

I poked his cheek lightly, he has no idea how cute and innocent he can be sometimes. I want him to stay this way.

"Because chipmunk reminds me of you." I said.

"So you're saying I look like a chipmunk?"

I nodded and he hissed, "How dare you!"

He sit up straight and pretend that he's pissed at me. I laughed, "Sensitive much? Chipmunks are cute."

He rolled his eyes with his arms crossed, "I am not cute, I am handsome."

I showed him a thumbs up, couldn't help but give him a hug. He's so cute and my heart is soft.

"Christopher, you're handsome and cute." I smiled.

He frowned at me, "Do I really look like a chipmunk?"

I laughed while holding my stomach so my intestines won't pop out. He's taking it so personally when I said he reminds me of a chipmunk.

"Hey! Why are you laughing."


He glared at me like a little boy, "Okay fine I'm sorry." I said.

He threw a grape at me, "You're childish."

I shrugged, trying to find a new topic. "By the way, how's your little project going?" I remember he mentioned about his school project.

"Yeah I'm working on it." He smiled.

"Can I look at it when it's done?" I asked.

He nodded, "For sure because you're in it." He said then patted my head like I'm a puppy.

I look over my watch to check the time and it's almost six which means the sun is about to set.

I scoot closer to him and lay my head gently on his shoulder.

After watching the beautiful and breathtaking sunset.

He offered me a hand to stand up so we can go back home.

"Oh when is your sister's wedding again?" He asked while driving.

"Next week." I said.

"That means you're going to London with Joel right? He told me he's invited." He said.

I nodded with a hmm.....

He tapped the steering wheel while jamming to the song that's currently playing on the radio.

"I'm gonna miss you." I blurted out.

His lips turned into a cute small smile, he looked shy I suppose and blushing. That's a really cute sight.

"I'm gonna miss you more." He said.

I sighed while stretching my body on the passenger seat.

"What's with the sigh?" He asked.

"Having such a handsome and cute boyfriend can be a headache you know. Girls are everywhere and they won't stop staring at you."

He raised a brow, "So?"

I facepalmed, "Don't cheat on me while I'm gone." I said then I offer him to pinky promise me and he laughed then we made a pinky promise.

"Same goes to you, how long are you gonna be in London?"

"Like a week."

"Oh okay, have fun." He smiled.

I nodded but deep down inside I wanted to say I would have so much fun if he goes to London with me.

But I won't expect a lot from him, let's take things slow.

When he drop me off at my place, he planted a soft kiss on my forehead and it made me so happy.

I lay on my bed and smile while looking at the ceiling, I know I look like an idiot right now but I have been an idiot since the day I met Christopher.

Christopher's POV

Just after I parked my car in front of the soccer field, my phone beeps notifying me that there's a text.

I'm hoping it's from my girlfriend but then when I take a look at it. It's an unknown number.

We have eyes on your pretty girl. Meet us at the badminton court near jj's club tomorrow at 2pm sharp or else you will see your girl getting torture.

My blood boiled and I wanted to throw my shit of an iPhone out from this fucking car.

If only this phone is not so important and expensive.

I'm not worried about myself from getting beat by these bastards. I'm fucking worried about Valerie because she's getting dragged into this bullshit.

I sighed and punched the steering wheel a lot of times just so I can let out my anger.

I saw Erick and Zabdiel approaching my car and I instantly turn off the engine then walk out from this fucking car.

Acting and pretending that everything's fine. I rest my arms on both of their shoulders.

"How's practice?" I asked.

"You're late." Erick said.

"Jeez sorry I told you guys I was on a date with Valerie." I said.

Zabdiel whistled at me, trying to tease me or some shit. "He's finally falling in love legit." He sang.

I rolled my eyes and kicked his leg lightly, "Shut up."

During practice I can't really focus that much because of that fucking text from those bastards.

I'm not sure if they're Roderico's gang from Loja or Colby's gang from New York.

For goodness sake, why can't they just move on and leave me alone. Just because I can beat their ass in a snap of finger by myself doesn't mean they have to plan a revenge as a group and destroy me.

So much ego yet so weak.

Fucking cowards, they have to drag Valerie into this.

Speaking of Valerie, I need to call her to check up on her.

"Yo! Chris where are you going man?" Erick shouted at me when I left the field and sit on the bench.

I ignored him then dialed Valerie's number.

"Hi Chris."

Oh thank God.

"Hey what's up, are you okay? Where are you now?" I asked.

"I'm at home, I was doing my homework."


"Ah..sorry to disturb you. I'll call you back later okay?"

"Mhm.. is there something wrong?" She asked.

I can't tell her, I don't want her to panic.

I can deal with this alone. It was my fault anyways.

I don't like having innocent people getting hurt because of me.

Especially Valerie, I love her so much.

"Nothing.. everything's fine. I'll call you later again. I love you."

I can imagine her smile, "Love you too."

And with that I hung up.

"Dude you need to be serious with this practice." Zabdiel said then he threw me a bottle of water.

"I know man sorry.. just have to take care of something." I said.

IntimacyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora