Just keep it in

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Everyone thinks I'm okay. Out in public, I smile and say hello. Im a bright shiny orb of happiness and kindness. But when I'm alone with my thoughts at night, everything find out. Depression is hard to explain. Sometimes it's just feeling nothing at all and sometimes it's feeling everything at once with no warnings or explanations. It's also hard to talk to people about when my friends probably don't even know what the definition of depression is! So that's why I keep it to myself.
That's why the only people who know about my struggles are the moon, the silence of night and the walls around me.
But, it didn't stay like that forever... unfortunately.
Draco Malfoy. He could be classified as one of the most nosy people in the world. Hence why he's the only one that knows about my depression, but the story behind it gives him a gold metal for why he's the most nosy person in the world. Let's get to that

I was 'eating' dinner with my friends all at the Slytherin table. I could say I haven't had a proper meal in weeks. My body just saw no need for it. I poked at my food as people around me laughed. I had a smile plastered on my face as I didn't want anyone to see inside of me.
Soon I felt an elbow to my bicep.
"Huh?" I ask turning to pansy.
"I asked you a question, girly."
"Oh sorry. I didn't hear."
"Obviously." She laughed "I said, how was your day?"
I had to think of something. Something that wouldn't cause me to break down.
"It was okay. Just swarmed with homework and home life so." I shrugged but kept a slight smile on my face.
"I'm sorry honey but you'll get out of it." She gave me a pat on the back.
"Yeah. I know." I said cheerily. Everyone continued to talk and I continued to get lost in my own head.
You don't need it.
No one would be there if you died
I'm surprised you even still have friends.
You're a lier
I shot up from my table and ran out of the room. I ran into the hallway and sat down.
A sob emitted from my mouth and I covered my face with my hands. After a minute, I heard footsteps so I wiped my eyes and tried to calm my breathing.
"Y/n?" A soothing voice called.
"H-hey." I stuttered trying to cover the wreck I was while standing up.
"You okay?" He asked tilting his head.
"Yeah i-I'm Fine." I said.
"You don't look fine. Are you crying?"
"N-no. I said I'm fine." I raised my voice.
I looked into his eyes as mine were hazy from tears. Soon he dropped his books and wrapped his arms around my head and cradled me.
I started to cry as I felt the comfort around me. Lord knows my body longed for comfort for this.
He held me until I let go and then he backed up just enough to look into my eyes.
"What is wrong, darling?" He asks.
"I-i-i I'm depressed and it sucks because I don't want to let anyone down so I can't talk to anyone and no one knows what it feels like so it's hard to explain." I cried.
"Oh darling." He said hugging me again.
I cried harder into his chest. He was one of my really good friends and so i was okay letting him see me cry and honestly, my body needed someone to lean on. I was too broken down and beaten to care anymore.
I soon felt a pressure against my head and I knew he had kissed me on the top of my head.
He stroked my hair which seemed to calm me down.
"I've noticed. I see that you barley touch your food. You've been getting slower and your work is always late and wrong. I knew there was something up. I'm so glad you told me. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Y-you knew?" I asked shocked.
"Of course I knew. I've been keeping an eye on you. What are friends for?"
I just smiled and laughed through my tears.
He pulled out a cloth as I backed away from him and he wiped my tears away.
"I'm gonna be here. And I'm gonna help you. My parents have too much money anyway." He scoffed.
I laughed through another sob and I smiled at him.
"You're gonna be okay. We're gonna get you the best doctor and we are gonna lift you up and we are gonna make you so much better. Okay?"
I nodded hesitantly.
"I know. It's gonna be scary. But you're not gonna get better if you don't try your hardest. Promise me you'll try? I want to see you get better."
"I promise." I say as I inhale a big breath.
"Good." He wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead again.
He made me feel ten times better knowing that he would be with me.
"And I'll be with you every step of the way."
I laughed mentally as he just confirmed what I had just thought.
"Thank you Draco. So much. You don't know how much better you have made my life."
"You're welcome y/n."
He squeezed me tight and just held me in his arms for what seemed like forever. But I'd rather stay here forever then in 20 seconds of depression.
He's gonna help me. And I am going to love him for it.

Thank you so much to cutelittlesnowflake for requesting this story!

Again, depression isn't something to joke around with. If you are feeling depressed or hopeless please please please let someone know. There are thousands of people here that could help you or if you know it's bad please call some hotlines or tell a close adult who can help you seek attention right away.
Again if you or a loved one are feeling depressed please let someone know!

Don't be afraid to love: a Draco Malfoy imagine book. (Vol. I) Where stories live. Discover now