Save a life for a price pt 3

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Runes pov
Let's meet soon... I'll keep your secret... I miss you. Those words that he said ring in my head. I can't get rid if it. I try to focus on something else but it's impossible. It's impossible for us to meet again because he knows. I try to ignore it but my heart takes over and writes back.

I'd love to meet up again, I've missed you as well. I hope my secret doesn't interfere with us.

Draco's pov
She sent me a letter, she feels the same. I've never felt such a strong connection with someone before. I like her. We meet up in two days. I am so excited I pick out everything, I feel like this is wrong. I want to make sure everything is great though.

The day comes where I see her again. She's different but I can't blame her. She changed her hair and eye color along with her style. She hugs me tight. I don't know why I missed her so much, I only knew her slightly before she saved me. Maybe because she saved me. I let her go and she smiles. Her heart is definitely taking over. "I want to do something fun today." I say. I take her hand and walk with her to the frozen lake. I give her my other hand and we both walk out onto the ice. She laughs at my slip ups and she falls a lot too. We just laugh and forget about everything. Her ears turned red so I took off my hat and placed it on her head. It was big on her but it would keep her warm. We slipped around for about a half hour more and then made our way back to my house. "Okay so hot cocoa or coffee?" I ask
"Hot cocoa."
"Ah, you are so like me."
"You are exactly like me!" We laugh and I hand her a hot cocoa.
We talked about what we've missed and who we've seen. She talked about her brother and his wedding and I commented back politely. It seemed like she could talk on and on about anything and that was okay, because I enjoyed listening to her. I then talked about my parents and everything that was happening. And she listened and understood. It was just nice and calm. We spent the entire day together just enjoying each other's company. We ended the day together and walked our separate ways. "I'll see you soon okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I enjoyed today." She smiled. "Oh wait, I forgot to give you something!" She said turning back to me. "What is it?" I asked. She leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I grabbed her shirt and pulled her closer. I let her go and she looked at me. "Merry Christmas." She said smiling. "Merry Christmas." I smiled back at her. She kissed me again.

"And that's what I remember from the night we fell in love with each other." I told my children as they gathered around me at my feet on Christmas Eve. "Your mother was a very very kind woman. She was so beautiful and strong. She would give her last life to save me." They all awed and then I added "and she did."

Don't be afraid to love: a Draco Malfoy imagine book. (Vol. I) Where stories live. Discover now