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"You think you know everything don't you?!" Draco shouted making the walls vibrate. "Yeah I actually do! And even if I did I'd know more then you! I'm a ravenclaw for a reason! The reason why your a slytherin is because you were to stupid to be put in any other house!" I yelled. Everyone ooo'd. "You know nothing about me or my life." He defended. "I know enough to know that it was a mistake to ever think you were smart or kind!" More ooo's could be heard in the crowd. "Fine, if that's how you feel then we're done!" He screamed at me. We always fought but it never came to this. "Draco, you know you don't mean that." I said lowering my voice. "Oh well I thought you were smart, because if you were you'd know that I'm dead serious, just as dead as your family! I'm glad my family killed everyone you loved." That broke me in two I wanted to scream and throw fists so badly and I did. I hit Draco right over the head. Pansy and Hermione tried to grab me and pull me back but I pulled away. "Harry!" Hermione shouted and Harry scooped me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Let me go! Let me pound him! He deserves it! No wonder he's a death eater clause he's a jerk too scared to stand up for himself!" I shouted as they dragged me out of the Slytherin common room tears now flooding down from the words that flowed through my head. I continued to scream and kick down the hallway. Professor Mcgonagall stopped us. "Put that student down Potter." She said shocked. "Now what is the meaning of this madness?" She demanded. "Draco thinks so hilarious to make fun of my dead family!" I shouted still crying. "Is this true potter?" "Sort of." He said I looked at him glaring. "Well they got into an argument and then Draco said that he was and I quote 'my seriousness is as dead as your family, I'm glad my family killed everyone you loved'." "Oh my! That is horrid!" Mcgonagall was as shocked. "I need some more information." She said I wasn't even mad anymore I was very sad that the guy who I trusted said that stuff. "Come (y/n)." She said spreading open one arm for me to go to her. I walked up to her and she put her arm around my shoulder. She was like a parent to me. She was the one who got me into this school so she could be my guardian. Me, Mcgonagall, and Harry walked to the common room and found Draco. "Come to rat me out?" He sneered as Harry walked up to him alone. "Malfoy!" Mcgonagall said. He stiffened up as he saw her walk up. He saw something behind her and saw it was me with tear stained cheeks and red eyes. His eyes went wide. "Can you explain why you had to use such harsh words? You know there is a rule to never speak about deaths of relatives." "I'm so sorry, professor Mcgonagall." He said actually sorry. "I know you may be but you have to have consequences." "Yes ma'am." "So you will have 3 weeks detention." "Yes ma'am." "And...." she paused "no yule ball." Everyone was shocked. "What? That's not fair." He said. "It's a consequence. You spoke horrid words, you pay for it." She said. I walked up and touched her on the shoulder. "You can lift his consequences." I said. "You know he deserves this." She said. "I know, but I was the victim so I think I should be the one in charge of his punishment. Therefore I lift it, no punishment." I said. She released it and left. "Why did you do that?" Draco asked. "Because your regret and loneliness is gonna be enough." I said simply. "What do you mean? I'm not alone, I have you." He said. "No you don't, if I remember you saying that we were done." I said to him making him realize how much he messed up. "Oh my Salazar! I'm so sorry! Babe please forgive me." "No, and don't call me babe, that's for people in relationships. And we aren't in a relationship. You made that very clear." I left him in silence thinking what just happened.

Draco's pov
I put my hands on my head. "My girlfriend just dumped me. It's my fault. She dumped me cause I crushed her. I insulted her dead family. I made her cry. I made the one person who loved me feel horrible." He said panicking. Loved, I love how it's passed tense. I thought. But I don't love it. I want it to be love, I want her to love me again. I want to cuddle her. And hold her and feel her soft skin and lips and hair and look at her beautiful eyes. I freaked out and ran to her. "Please please please take me back. I miss you! I want to hold you again. Please! I don't want to be alone." I said hoping I'd break her. "Sorry Draco but you did this to yourself." She said. "I know! But please! I've never wanted anything more in my life. I want you! I love you! I'm sorry I insulted you and your family I didn't mean it! Please." I shouted all my feelings at her. "I want to cuddle and have someone to spew my problems at and I want someone who loves me and at least one person. I-" I was cut off by her hugging me. "Oh my god I love this feeling." I said wrapping my arms around her completely. "I do too. And thank you Draco." She said. I just closed my eyes and held her. My heart beat a thousand miles a minute. She was so warm and she smelled of roasted marshmallows and cinnamon. She laughed. "What?" I asked. "Your tickling me by smelling me." She said smiling as she let go. I pulled her back "no." I wanted to keep her forever. "Draco you got to let me go." She said trying to push away. "No." I whined. "Yes." She said patting my back and letting me go. "Ugh fine." I said holding her hand. "I have to go. I'm tired." She said. "Stay here. You can sleep here." She laughed and said "I don't have any clothes." "You can borrow a sweatshirt and pants." She huffed "okay fine." She stole my sweatshirt and laughed. "It's so warm." She sniffed the fistful of sleeve I her hand. "And it smells good too." She laughed. "So your saying I smell good?" "Maybe." She said smirking. "What?" She ran over and flopped on my bed. She giggled and I joined her copying her movements. We both just laughed. We talked for an hour before she fell asleep. I snaked my arm around her waist and she flipped around and faced me. I kissed her nose and she snuggled in more. I kissed her head and whispered. "I'm sorry I hurt you." She seemed to smile. I kissed her head again and fell asleep with her in my arms

Don't be afraid to love: a Draco Malfoy imagine book. (Vol. I) Where stories live. Discover now