Oh no!

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Oh my god here he comes! I have to act cool!
I mentally screamed to myself as that blonde walked by. He was laughing with his friends and he bit into an Apple making my heart leap. My brother was off talking to his best friends like always. I again, was alone. I would go talk to him.... him!! The Draco Malfoy, But id be rejected because one, I'm Harry's younger sister and two, he's way too cool for me!
I see Draco flash his grey eyes towards me and I turn away quickly hoping to avoid eye contact with the older boy.
He's so hot. My face turns red and I hear footsteps echoing louder towards me. They stop abruptly and I feel a hand on my shoulder.
"Well well well. If it isn't potters little sister." I hear a snakelike voice behind me that made my tummy turn.
"H-hi." I say turning around.
"What is the likes of you doing out here alone?" He asked
"I'm waiting for Harry and his friends." I replied.
"Ahhh, the nimrod and his mates are gonna get themselves killed again are they?" I smiled at his insult and he caught it.
"What was that?" He teased waving his finger around my face.
"N-nothing." I stuttered as I shakily pushed my hair behind my head.
"Okay why are you being all nervous? You talk to everyone just fine. You are potters sister after all!" He spat.
"I just... just.... Umm, sorry, I just..." I stopped talking before I made it any worse. 
"Come on! Spit it out!" He harassed.
"I like you!" I said almost screaming.
He stopped in his tracks and his grey eyes went wide. His pale face became even more pale and it was so silent and tense that even the trees stopped moving.
"Y-you do?" He asks softly.
"Yeah. I do."
He then moves quickly to pull me in. He didn't kiss me but just pulled me really close to him.
"Are you just testing me?" I ask.
"No, I like you too, but I just never said anything cause your potters sister and I thought you had an obligation to hate me."
"I couldn't hate you even if I tried!"
"Kiss me!"
I closed my eyes and leaned in and felt his soft warm lips touch mine. This was nothing like I've ever felt before. Him being an experienced 6th year towered I've my inexperienced 4th year knowledge.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and I continued to kiss him. Soon we heard cracking and then a lantern drop.
"Bloody hell!" We heard Ron say.
We split apart faster then you could say crucio and harry looked appalled.
"Did you force her to do this!?" Harry angrily accused.
"No! I swear."
"I swear! Don't ever touch my sister again or I'll make sure that the next thing you make out with is the ground!"
"Make me!!" Draco and Harry walked closer together and I stepped out into the middle of it
"STOP IT! Both of you!"
"Y/n go back to your room." Draco insisted.
"No. I'm not leaving."
"Y/n! Now you're getting commands from me! GO TO YOUR ROOM!!" Harry shouted.
He shut right up.
"Draco, please drop this." I quietly said to him. I walked closer to him, still keeping one arm outstretched in a 'stop' way towards Harry.
Draco leans down and kisses me tenderly.
"Okay. I will." He said once he let go.
"Now I'm going to go to bed before one of you gets killed, or worse, expelled." I say.
Hermione smiles and Ron retorts "I wonder where we've heard that one before!"
Harry and Ron roll their eyes while Hermione giggles.

The next day
I walk out into the hallway and Harry's right by my side.
"Well someone clingy."
"Just being a brother!"
"Oh lord!"
I walk faster but he keeps pace.
"So what are we doing today y/n?"
"Leaving me alone that's what!"
I walk into the dining hall and sit with Draco. Yes I may be Harry's sister but I'm still a Slytherin! I'm the disappointment of the family.
"Hey Baby!" He says happily as I sit next to him.
I rest my head on his shoulder and I close my eyes.
"What's up with you?" He asks as I feel a burning stare in my back.
"Harry won't get off my ass!! He's sticking to me like a leech, I don't think he likes is together." I say turning to look at him. Draco turns to look but only his head
"ya think." He retorts.
"Oh my god I wish he'd just leave me ALONE!" I stab a fork into the wood table.
"Wow, no wonder you're a Slytherin."
"SHUT UP DRACO!" I shout. I immediately regret it. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to yell."
"It's okay. I'd be frustrated too." He grabs my hand and I look at him. I lean in and kiss him lightly. This is what I like. We separated and I look over to see harry stomping over to us.
"We are going! NOW!" Harry said to me grabbing my hand and dragging me away.
"what are you doing?!" I ask slapping his hand that was cutting of my circulation.
"I'm protecting you!" He hissed.
"No you're not! You're just scared and jealous!" I say. He stops and looks at me.
"Don't you ever, EVER, say that to me again!"
"YOURE NOT MY DAD HARRY! YOURE MY BROTHER! GIVE IT UP! I DONT CARE WHAT YOU THINK!" I screamed getting my anger out, just feeling it pour out of me.
"I don't know what you're talking about but if I ever hear you disrespect me again! I'll THROW YOU INTO THE BASEMENT!"
I slap him across the face as hard as I could.
I walk angrily back to the table and grab Draco's hand.
"What are we doing?" He asks.
"We are gonna go show Harry who he can't control!"
"I don't know! But I'm gonna figure it out!"
"Welll.... I have some ideas."
That night I never answered any of the texts or calls from harry it anyone else, I couldn't even hear my phone buzz over all the fun I was having.....

Don't be afraid to love: a Draco Malfoy imagine book. (Vol. I) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora