Thirty Three: The Father's Permission

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Tord's Pov:

I tried not to feel nervous about meeting Y/N's parents professionally but it was impossible. Her father obviously didn't like me for several reasons and it planted an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach. I tried to distract myself with positive thoughts rather than negative but it was impossible. The last time I was introduced to a girlfriend's parents, I was kicked out of her house. This was most likely caused because of the loud mouth I had as a teenager but now was different. When I was with Y/N I felt self confident and full of life, I just had to remind myself of the mindset. Yes, remind myself. I took in a breath and looked into the bathroom mirror in front of me, I was ready. I was going to do fine. I had Y/N.

As I was getting ready I looked through my closet for something nice and presentable to wear. This wasn't hard for me, considering that I had to be presented nicely to a whole army and every time I went to work. I considered going in Red Leader uniform, remembering that Y/N's family had participated in the Red Army for four generations. Pride struck through me and I felt a devious smile curve up my lips. As I retrieved a maroon dress shirt from my closet Y/N walked in, wearing her favorite winter outfit. I smiled at her and offered her to come in, she returned the affection and stepped into the room sitting on my bed, "So what are you planning to wear?" She asks and I return to my closet, taking out my heavy american blue coat, "Uniform maybe?" Her eyes brighten up and blush spreads on her cheeks. Another reason I thought the uniform was a good idea is because she knew I looked good in it, her eyes told all. She stutters, "I-- I think that's a great idea!" I collect my boots and pants, and as I pass her I lift her chin towards me, "I'm so glad you do darling."

Y/N offered to drive but I insisted I drive, trying to be a gentleman. She eventually let me take the wheel with the persuading of a kiss. I couldn't stop looking at her either, her view was breathtaking and it made me think of the time we danced in the rain together. (Go reread chapter eleven if you've forgotten) This reminded me of wedding gown in a nearby store window. I imagined Y/N in that wedding dress multiple times, glowing and being radiant. Did it mean something? "Tord!" Y/N yelled and grabbed my arm, causing me to stomp on the brakes in front of a red light. "I-I'm sorry!" I apologized and lost the image of the white snowed gown. Y/N squeezed my arm and laughed, "It's okay. Seems like you have a lot on your mind." I looked her directly in the eyes, the street light still remaining red ahead of us. My heart and my brain had never felt so hand in hand before.. I knew what I was going to do. I was going to propose. But I needed her father's consent first. "Oh you have no idea.."

We arrived at the reunion destination and I parked in front of the house, due to three cars in the driveway. "Siblings??" I ask and Y/N sweats with a short lived nod,"One sister. Vanessa. Five children. 10, 8, 5,2, and 6. Single mother." I awed and recalled her sister's name in an old conversation of us when she used to talk with me in my office at the army training camp. I exit the car and walk to the passenger side for Y/N. I open the door for her and she steps out onto the light snow painted ground. "Do I look alright?" She asks and fixes her hair slightly, I smile gently and wrap an arm around her, "Always."

As we walk to the door I notice that Y/N clings onto me tighter than before. I look to her quickly, giving her a reassuring nod before knocking. When I do knock there is a murmur of voices on the inside, I stand up straight as the door opens and meet gaze with a little kid. The child is short and is wide eyed at me, "AUNTY Y/N!! YOU BROUGHT US A RED LEADER?!?!" I can see Y/N blush besides me and lean into me, "No Richard, this is my boyfriend Tord. Tord this is Richard, he's the oldest of Vanessa's kids." I chuckle at him and lean down to his height, "Nice to meet you Richard." Richard's eyes sparkle and he takes off his snow beanie he is wearing and slightly bows, "The pleasure is mine sir." Once at full height again Richard runs off to find the others I'm assuming and I glance to Y/N, "How did I do?" She shakes her head at me and nudges my shoulder, "You did you Tord."

As soon as we had gotten our shoes off Y/N's parents walked into the room. Her mother was planted where she stood, staring at me with acceptance it seemed while her father's stance was unclear. I nodded my head in respect to them, "Thank you for inviting us Mr. and Mrs. L/N." Her mother approached me and smiled to Y/N, "No, thank you for coming. We've wanted to meet you.. Professionally this time around. Can I take your coat sir?" I thanked her and took off my coat to reveal my maroon dress shirt and black tie, "Thank you and please, call me Tord." Y/N's mother giggled and took arms with her daughter, " Thank you dear. You've gotten yourself a strong one Y/N." Y/N slightly hit her mom's arm and blushed, "Mom.." Soon more family members show up and surround Y/N with hugs and "how are yous". I stepped back and watched her catch up and be tugged around like a child, it was most enjoyable.

Y/N's father who stood besides me turned and faced the left of my face, looking at me. I turned my head and looked at him back and gave a polite smile. My heart beat so loud that I became self conscious about him hearing it but I didn't break a sweat, not once. "Your daughter is extraordinary Mr. L/N.." Y/N's father chuckles deeply and nods his head, "Yes.. yes she is." He looks back at Y/N, who was in front of us and further away. She is laughing and enjoying herself and suddenly she looks at me, my heart stops along with my breath and I feel my mouth part with a unheard gasp. She looks back to her cousins and her aunts and uncles, smiling and shrugging a lot. I wanted to join her but I had to ask her father. I turned to him again as he still looked in the distance, "Sir I know I have upset you by hurting Y/N emotionally and by taking her to live with me in the base but I want you to know I want the best intentions for her." A few silent moments pass and my ears start to ring, her father swallows a lump in his throat. I clench my fist a take in a breath, "Sir would you be willing to give me permission to marry your daughter?" He looks to me, his face mixed of emotions. I saw saw, happy, and even jealousy. "Yes, yes Mr. Larsson you have my permission."

(1264 words :3)



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