Four: Jeg elsker deg

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Tord's Pov:

It had been two months since the whole incident Y/N had went through (the fight with Christina). And all I could feel was a surge of over protectiveness now that she was off of probation. Christina had been messing around camp, trying to sneak out so I've punished her.. but nothing ever seems to be enough. Edd knew me too well to be "just wandering" through the halls at night just because "I had some time to spare."In fact lately I felt like I couldn't trust anybody and it wasn't their fault. I have been having reoccurring nightmares.. or more so memories. The dreams were of when I returned to the house, reclaiming I wanted to improve my friend's relationships. But all I had done, which I wish I hadn't, was push them to the side and avenge myself upon my giant robot. That was what I regret. (If nobody gets this please watch Eddswolrd the end part 2 ಥ∀ಥ )

It was Saturday night and for once I didn't have to do anything acquired. Everybody in camp was sleeping in or either possibly partying. The loud music carrying down the halls and to my ears. A few times I had almost wanted to stand up and scream "STOP IT" but what stopped me was that realizing I was there age too at a time, they were young, wanted to have fun, and were rebellious. When me and Edd were Seniors in high school we had finally agreed to go to a party together. It wasn't my first rodeo with such craziness and immaturity but rather his. Edd was insecure during high school, he had never wanted to hang out, he was always concerned about his grades, and he was a classic nerd like Tom. But the difference between them was that Tom had warmed up to be about parties sooner than Edd. That was apart of the reason he was an unsteady adult.. because of me. Edd wasn't too approving of the party when we got there, he hated the music, said it burst his eardrums, and left. At the time I said he was being a wimp but sooner or later I came to learn the consequences. And they weren't fun...

I sighed, thinking back to the times when life was good. Could it still be.. un rotted? Most times I thought not and that's what made me upset, what made me me. Until I started thinking about Y/N.. She had changed my perspective and I hadn't put much thought into it. I wondered how she could go on with life, she was expected of so much since she was a L/N, but she continued; smiling and conversing with me when she was expected to do so. We had talked more often over the course of the month and it almost seemed like she had become my friend. She was seeing me more often in my office when she had spare time, just to converse, so I opened up to her a little more. Still being strict when I needed to be, but more gentle.

I yawned, looking out my door. The music was getting louder and louder with minutes. It caused annoyance in my head. If only the room weren't in front of my office. I groaned, getting up from my office chair and taking a cigar from from my pocket. If I was going to be annoyed, I was going to see Y/N.

Your Pov:

Heavy music pounded against my wall as I twisted and turned in bed. There wasn't any point for sleeping on Saturdays anymore. I wondered if Tord would do anything about it, I certainly hoped he would but it's almost like supported the saying "never grow up". Wasn't he supposed to be a leader?? But he had his reasons, and like Edd had told me more than once now, he had issues. Sometimes I wondered what these were, nether the less that's what made me start talking to him. At first it was really awkward, there was a lot of silence. But once I got to come in more often I realized talking to him wasn't too bad. He was sweet, had the most gorgeous laugh, and was understanding above all. Probably the most mature leader pr teacher that's ever taught me.

Finally, after a few minutes of unrested silence, I decided to get out of bed. I made myself a cup of coffee since sleeping wasn't going to do the trick for me and my mental state. "They'll go to sleep soon..." I whispered to myself pacing around the room as I turned on my light. How could they even have parties in rooms like this? They were so small! There was hardly enough room for the coffee table Tord had given me. I sipped at the hot drink, it burned my tongue which I didn't mind and felt warm. Suddenly there was a knock at the door and to my curiosity I peeped through the eye hole. It was too dark outside to see so I then opened the door, finding Tord to be standing in front of me again. Like the first time he had showed up here, my place was a mess. "Hey.." I began with a loose smile, "I thought you'd be sleeping." He smiles back to me in reply, taking his time to answer me like always. "I thought you were going to be asleep.. but with music like this there isn't a point." I felt my heart leap out of my chest as he spoke, he felt the same way! But why wasn't he doing anything about it..? "Oh my.. how impolite. Would you like to come in? I mean it's a mess but it's better than being outside."

"Sure," He answers stepping inside, almost as if he wanted me to say that. I then grab the knob of the door and shut it. But when I turn around I see him leaning against the head on my bed, he's sitting still, relaxed and unworried. His eye shut like he was getting ready to fall asleep. "So was today busy?" I ask trying to be nice in every way I can to clear up the awkwardness. He turns his head to me, smiling again. "If you call smoking and staring at the wall busy then, yes. I was busy all day.." I grin at him, throwing one of my pillows at him,"You're such a jerk! I was just asking you." He grabs the pillow and throws it back at me. "Don't throw pillows at your leader!" I smirk, taking a seat closely by him so I can hit him again with it. He obviously takes advantage of this because he starts to wrestle around with me, like we're kids. Maybe he's trying to bond with me... might as well play along. Let yourself be you Y/N.. I take a swift push at his chest finally and I get him to smile. "Oh so you wanna play this way young one?" I push him again but this time he takes my wrists and flips me sideways. I scream slightly but then it turns into a laugh. It takes a minute or so but with friendly gestures of rustling I have found myself beating him, sideways in the gut. That was the way me and my father rustled, and I was the one with advantage now. "Do you give up great, wise, red leader?" I smirked, starting to get a hint of cockiness. He folds his legs, putting his arms behind his head comfortably. "Maybe... Maybe not..." He responds and for a short moment, instead of my leader, I saw the most lovely boyfriend figure. The figure holding me on cold nights, the figure holding my hand as I crossed the street, the figure kissing me goodnight, the figure caring about me.. "Y/N? Are you okay? You seem frail all of the sudden..." Tord's voice brought me out of focus from my daydreams. He'd changed his position, how long has it been since I zoned out? "Tord..?" I ask, turning to him. I want to tell him but was it right? Was it wrong? No.. it wasn't time.

"Yes?" He echos my cliff hanger question. And I turn to him, replacing my confession. "I think it's getting late.. "I'm going to get some rest if that's okay." He nods, his eye full of energy going out like a pinched candle. "You're a good soldier Y/N", Tord stands to his feet and offers a hand to me. I take it, feeling the warmth of it before he could let go.

Slowly he looks into my eyes. "Jeg elsker deg.." He whispers to me and the closes my door before I can ask what that means. "Jeg elsker deg..?" I repeat to myself, curious and wanting to know. But then it came to me... Goodnight. And that was what I thought as I went to sleep.

(1493 words :3)

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