Twenty Nine: Adolescents

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Third Person View:

Y/N didn't know what to do. She was confused and didn't respond until Tord pulled her up from her chair and into his office. Everybody watched this happen, heads popping up from their small work spaces, voices buzzing loudly. Y/N was unaware of her surroundings until Tord slammed the office door, her eyes shot open. She stood awkwardly, holding her folder of unsigned paper work and registration forms in her left hand. "Sir.. Are you okay?" Tord couldn't answer this in simple sentences, he couldn't even bring himself to say how he truly felt. She looked at him with concern and then to her shoes in awkward silence, "I'm Sorry" he began. She bit the skin on the inside of her cheek and held back her tears, her heart reacting alike to last night plunged at her.

"I'm sorry I told you to leave me," He finished and took the loose folder from her hand, she broke the stare from her shoes and looked at him.  Y/N paused in her breathing, not knowing where his sentence would go. Tord's eye contact turned into studying and he became closer to Y/N than before. "It's not okay Y/N, nothing I did was okay for you, it was simply my way of doing things. Of figuring the way out of things.." Tord put his hand out to touch her and she pulled back, biting her lip and eyes closed. Her heart raced faster and her throat swelled with a sob wanting to come out. Tord recognized her pain and pulled back, "Y/N I'm very sorry for everything." She opened her eyes at him, tears blurring her vision. She wasn't sure if she was convinced but she could tell the hurt Tord felt. She gently tugged on his arm, wanting to get his attention since his back was turned. He turned around to Y/N and wore the most of serious expressions, how could she still tolerate him. "Tord.. let's start over," She wiped her tears and nuzzled into his chest, "Let's start over and just get comfortable again." Tord jumped slightly at the embrace but wasn't slow to react back. He hugged Y/N tightly and put his cheek against her head, "Good, that's what I wanted.." She nudged him playfully and Tord nervously corrected himself, "I mean--er uh what we should have.."

The two pulled apart from their comfortable silence and looked at one another. Tord smiled sincerely and Y/N blushed in response. He rubs his arm and sighs aloud, "I'll let you get back to work-- but before you do.. Can you get me some copies?" Y/N nods and walks halfway across the the small office but turns to him, "Copies of..??" Tord awes and points a finger at the air, giving her a blue draft of his robot like sketches she'd seen before. She takes them and looks to him, "Did you draw these?" He shakes his head and sits in his chair, "Edd did.. But hurry on now. I'd hate to never get those copies darling." Y/N stuttered and blushed harder than before, but proceeded with a fast pace, "Yes sir."

Your Pov:

I carried Tord's drafts in hand, ignoring the chattering once I was welcomed with outside his office. I guess Tord pulling me into his office was a big surprise to everybody, when truly it wasn't to me. Nothing was new with Tord, he did the craziest things to me without asking.

I opened the door to the copying room and looked around curiously. I'd been in the room before bit had never truly studied it, nobody else was in the room so I took my heels off and looked around.

The room was averge sized and about the same size as my apartment like room here in the base. Although it was plain and nice it needed decoration of some sort. I looked back to the blueprints in hand and skipped over to a copying machine, dialing and waiting. Time went by quickly and soon enough I had 20 copies, I figured the number was right and sighed at my heels on the floor. Gotta wear them again... I groaned, bending over and slipping them on. "These are gonna kill me one day..."
"You can wear slip ons, ya know."

I froze, turning around to see David.

He wore a strapped bag around himself and a suitcase behind him. Tord wasn't joking when he said he was fired... I looked to the floor and found myself apologizing, "David I'm sorry.. I--" He interrupted by walking away from the doorway and into the room. He stiffled and took in a breath, "No Y/N I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the other night and.. Yeah I'm sorry I just-- If you'd let me--" He took a step closer and was pulled away from me quickly. Tord appeared and gripped hardly on his shoulders, shoving David out the door and kicking it closed. He cursed and turned to me, sweating. "Why does it happen that everyone I leave you you're kidnapped or kissed forcefully? Ms. L/N you put me through much.." I smiled and played with my hair, "I don't know Mr. Larsson. Maybe you shouldn't leave me alone so much..." He smirked and ran a hand through his hair, "Then maybe I won't." I nodded and turned around, grabbing at the draft copies. I then faced Tord, his perfect self just waiting. A sigh of nervousness left my mouth as he grabbed the drafts and looked at each one of them, I raised an eyebrow. "Don't trust me?" He laughed and pinched my cheek softly, "Oh no darling I'm just double checking if you got front and back." I squinted at him and nodded until his smirk widened, then the thought came to me. Him and his dirty jokes. I punched his shoulder, "Tord!" He puts down the copies and yelps loudly "Ouch! Hey that's my arm!"

"I know!"

I shove him playfully and he shoves me back so I go to the printer and grab paper to throw at him. I crumble two papers and throw them at him, only to see that they miss. He picks the crumbled white balls up and throws them back at me. He yells, "I got you," and points a finger at me. I shove him again and laugh at our adolescent acts, "I had you first, I-- I just missed!" We look into each other once again and I clear my throat, "Well.. May I ask The Red Leader what the copies are for?" His face went from playful to edged, he quickly looked away. "There just for an idea I have. You shouldn't be worried about it.." I felt the hair on my neck rise at this, he was up to something else now. I brought myself to him, a hand on his arm. "If anybody should know what you're doing I think it should be me..." He blushed and touched my hand and then held it with his own. The silent affection made me red and I quickly pulled away, "S-sorry.. I don't know what is coming over me. I'm hugging you and then I'm touching you..sorry!" He chuckled and leaned against the frame of a counter behind himself, "Don't be sorry, I know I'm pretty comfortable." I blushed even more, hitting his arm again. "Oh stop that!"

(1265 words :3)

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