Seventeen: ..

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Your Pov:
My stomach was panging at me the closer we got to the cafeteria. I was thankful that Amy at least suggested they feed me, even though I hated her guts. "Here it is," Christina sighed and let go of my arm which she'd held on to. I grabbed it immeadiantly and rubbed it, but then Amy had my other arm. I groaned softly as they sat me at a table, Christina wandered off into the kitchen and Amy stayed with me. Great. I tried by best not to make direct eye contact but it was nearly impossible with her. She was constantly staring at me and her eyes penetrated deeper and deeper to my nerves. I finally, after minutes of awkwardness, looked to her. "You're lucky," She stated and finally looked away. I blushed at the compliment and tried to find words to reply but there was none. Christina came back, a plate in her left hand. I sat up and as it was set before me I dug into it, the ham sandwich was good considering the bread wasn't too dry or soft. I then moved to the chips, crunching loudly. I didn't care how I looked at this point, I was starving.

When I finshed my short lived meal I looked to Christina and Amy, who expressed disgusted looks. I glared at them, "What do you expect? I must've been out for a while was I not?" They both looked away and Christina took my plate, "Yeah, yeah." Then there was a boom. Before I could look to where it came from I flew backwards, my ears ringing loudly. I looked up and I couldn't hear anything now, fire was everywhere and Amy and Christina were nowhere to be seen. I stood up quickly and fell. I screamed in pain but couldn't hear myself, I started choking on smoke. Then I saw Tord. I cried out for him, still not being able to hear myself and he ran towards me. He hugged me tightly and picked me up but then gave me to another person, it was Paul. My hearing came back and I saw Tord walking away from me, "Tord.. Tord wait!" He looked back and gestured for Paul to take me away, I cried for him and he disappeared in the smoke. What was more important than me?

(397 words :3)

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