Twenty One: Watching

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Your Pov:
I worked hard all morning, organizing useless papers and trying to distract myself from the thought of Tord watching me. I knew he was though, staring over every one of my every movements through his office blinds. I tried not to look back but I did a few times, he simply raised his chin up at me and squinted. Most of the time smoke blew against the window from his cigar. The eye contact was violating in a way and made me concerned for any mistakes I did. Which luckily I hadn't made any.. Once it was lunchtime I cleared my desk out and took out my lunchbox. I began unwrapping my sandwich until I felt his eyes on me again. I looked up and he was still staring at me, I raised an eyebrow at him and he seemed to mock me. I glared, turning my chair around. If it was anything I hated, I hated people watching me eat. Especially if it was Tord. When I was done I turned around to see if he was still watching but he was gone. I sighed in relief ans turned back to my desk, if he stared at me so much why wouldn't he talk to me? "Y/N!" A British accent attacked me from behind. And I thought I was done with all this craziness. I nearly jumped out of my seat and turned to see Edd, "Y/N why are your eating all alone?" I smiled at him and shook my head, "I never gave thought about eating in the cafeteria but it's more comfortable in my work space where I can be alone. Kinda." Edd awed at me in underatnding and sat by me, "That's understandable. I normally eat lunch with Tord but I don't know where he's at." I blushed at the mentioning of his name and tried to hide my face but Edd saw this before I could say anything, "Has he been watching you?" I coughed awkwardly and shook my head, "I wouldn't call it watching.. Uh he's just been observing me work that's all. It is my first day." Edd smiled widely and rolled his eyes. I got irritated by his child like behavior and slapped his arm, "Oh stop that! Look what happened between me and Tord was so two years ago alright? He wants nothing to do with me and he's my boss! I can't just can't go horsing around with my emotions Edd." Edd still smiled at me and shrugged his way out of my space, "Alright, alright. I won't bug you, but you better finish that Cola before I see you again. See ya around Y/N." I self conciously looked at the soda in my hand and stuck my tongue out at him, "Psh, okay!"

It was finally time to go home for the day and I was quite exhausted more than excited. I never felt so watched and expected to do my best in my life and knowing of these so called "consequences" I didn't want to mess up. My life depended on it in a way. I got up from my chair and lifted my heavy coat off of it. It still felt damp from the snow this morning but otherwise it was okay. I slowly but carefully backed out of my space and looked at it in approval, what a job already. As I turned around ready to make my way out Tord stood in my way, I looked up at him. I felt like a chihuahua next to a broad pitbull. He stood there studying me for a moment and I couldn't help but do the same, I blinked only twice until he leaned into my ear. "I want you here earlier tomorrow." I blushed hardly wanting to push him away or do anything but reacting to the way I was but all that peeped from me was a small, "why?" I wanted to punch myself as he pulled himself away from my bubble, he looked so serious and it didn't help the situation. "I have my reasons Ms. L/N. I know I am the least person you trust or even want to look at but I am your boss so do as I say. That shouldn't be questionable, should it?" Finally, he actually addressed our past in a way. Personally I'd waited for a more dramatic way but something was better than nothing. He stood straighter than before and I nodded my head, "Yes.. No problem at all." He nodded his head, moving out of my way and allowed me to finally get out of the building.

(834 words :3)

(A/N: Hey guys! Sorry that this chapter was so short, had to cut it off at a good point ya know? How are you readers liking the two years later deal and what did you think of Tord's actual one to one kinda conversation with you? Let me know in the comments. 😊)

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