Then Big Blue came. Zeref tried to hid his daughters yet one escaped. Zero. She walked up to Big Blue and smiled with her arms out wide. "He's not evil or bad! He just needs a hug! Right daddy?" Zero smiled. Just then...

Big Blue bit Zero's head off. Zero's body fell to the ground arms still wide. Zeref panicked and became just as persistent with bringing back Zero ad he was with Natsu. Zeref spent years trying to bring her back. But..she didn't come back.

Until Zeref developed another personality. One that can keep Zero alive. Yet the personality wanted power. Therefore Zeref created Devil magic. Yet Devil magic could get out of hand quickly so he made a counter magic. Angel or Heavens magic. Zeref implanted this magic into Zero's twin sister. Wednesday.

Zeref successfully brought his daughter back. But, there was a price. The disease she developed and the person inside of her. Zero once through a tantrum and brought down a whole nation in a swoop. Which was the doing of Five. The magic council sealed Five far way inside Zero.

Zero continued to grow up oblivious toward the disease and Five until her Father told her and her sibling of it. Zero became angry with her father and ran away. Where she was found by Big Blue again. This time he didn't try to kill her. Yet taught her magic. His original plan was to teach her magic then corrupt her into thinking that she needed to be the best. Yet, she started to forget about her actual father then started calling Big Blue father.

Big Blue raised her as his own. Until Zero forgot most of their memories regaining the ones with her father. She then ran away again. Only to be constantly hunted, captured, tortured, brought, and beaten throughout the years.

Yet that all changed when she met Fairy Tail. All the years of agony became a distant memory or a bad dream. It seems as all her bad memories are erased when replaced with good ones. 

Zero shed a few tears while watching her netting with Fairy Tail. Then joining Fairy Tail.

When Zero met Rouge, all her memories came back. Good and bad. But she didn't care. She grew to love the shadow.

And the shadow grew to love her also....and she knew did he..

So did he...

So did he..


s0 DiD hE....

Zero broke from her trans and yelled out Rouge name with love and passion.

Rouge was on the ground bleeding. His children gathered around him. Rouge feared that his children would die or get injured also...Five was about to kill Valentine which stood in the way of Rouge when she froze. Confusing everyone.

Five's hair grew shorter. Strips of white hair where scattered about her hair. Then emerald green eyes shone through.

"Rougey poo? Kids?" Zero asked confused. Rouge looked at the love of his life, mate, and best friend Zero. With loving eyes. Gray soon arrived to the site with Juvia. Zero waves towards them and a lacrima started to form at Zero's feet.

Zero gasped and sighed. "Welp...I guess my disease is gone! But I have to be in a sleep like state for whoever know how long. love...and cutie.. take care of our kids...find happiness..and don't wait around for me to come back! Cuz when I do come back! You could be dead! Without happiness!" Zero smiled. Rouge sweat dropped at her explanation.

Zero gave Hero and earring. To help with the ladies.

She gave Valentine a pink hair clip and bow.

She gave Zane her engagement ring. She put it on a chain and gave it to him as the lacrima climbed up jet body to her neck.

"Gray...Juvia...take care..And take care of my kids.." Zero said in their mind. Then she gave Rouge one final kiss on the lips. The lacrima now surrounded her forehead. Zero broke her and Rouge's kiss.

"Bye bye Rougey! See you later! I love you and our wonderful kids. Tell Fairy Tail this isn't the end! Just the beginning and to keep fighting! I love you all!" Zero said be for the lacrima encased her completely.

Rouge started crying and tried not to show it. As did Gray and Juvia. Juvia hugged the lacrima. "You were the best love rival and friend." Juvia said. Gray fist bumped the lacrima. "You were the best friend. And I will take care of your kids whenever." Gray admit with his voice cracking a little.

Rouge was banging on the lacrima with his crying children behind him.

"Give her back! Give her back right now! I'm sorry I wasn't enough! I'm sorry I couldn't save you! Zero..I'm sorry...come back...please...for me..and our kids..I'm sorry.." Rouge said while crying. Gray, Juvia, Rouge and the kids all left wit red and puffy eyes.

"Hey guys! Where's Zero?" Lucy asked.

They all looked away sadly not being able to look her in the eyes. Lucy gasped and covered her mouth, as tears streamed down.

"I couldn't help her. I felt so helpless..just like with Ur.." Gray seethed with his fist clenched. "You did all you could." Juvia said and rubbed Gray's back.

"I couldn't help her...I couldn't save her...I just watched her..helplessly.." Rouge said with his eyes wide as he fell on his knees. "If I can't help or save my own mate...what gives me the right to have one..or be a dragon slayer.." Rouge said with tears streaming.

"I'm sorry...I'm so so so so so so so so so sorry...everyone....I'm so so so so so so so so so..sorry...Zero...honey..My Shadow.....Queen....My...Venom Queen..My love..." Rouge cried harder with his fist clenched.

Fairy Tail cried together over the loss of their guild mate and family member....

Zero Dragneel....

was pronounced....

Dead.. on this day by the magic council to lower suspicion and questions. Yet the guilds involved with the fight knew she was very much alive.....and where awaiting her return..

Zeref's daughter ZeroDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora