Boss trouble

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Kuma noticed that his master wasn't responding and rushed out of the room to find the vodka smelling man and the burger breath man. When the polar bear came into the living room he found the vodka man and rushed over to him, pawing at his face frantically. Kuma looked up just in time to see Matthew rush to the bathroom and he heard his master sobbing as he started to empty is stomach.

That was the last straw for the polar bear, Kuma growled and bit the sleeping Russian. Ivan woke up and was about to snap but froze when he heard Matthew in the bathroom Ivan got up and out of his make shift bed and ran over to the bathroom. He opened the door to see Matthew leaning over the toilet with two fingers in his mouth.

"Matvey," Ivan said gently as he pulled Matthew's hand away from his mouth and flushed the toilet as he pulled the blond away.

Matthew weakly struggled as the Russian cleaned the other up. It hurt the Russian to see the other like this, the Canadian sobbed as the Russian carried him out of the bathroom and sat him on the couch. They sat there one holding a sobbing nation as the other sobbed onto the other. Russia manged to get Canada to sleep before falling asleep as well, Kuma nodded satisfied that the vodka man calmed his master down.

The polar bear managed to cover the two with a blanket before sleeping himself. The three were all asleep on the couch, Matthew snuggled into the warmth of the two.


The nations gathered in the Cafeteria for breakfast, some nations were well rested, one was devastated at the lost of his clothes. Francis was glaring at everyone not knowing who ruined his clothes. Alfred was looking for his twin and Ivan before he turned back to his food and sighed.

The doors opened and Ivan walked in carrying a half awake Matthew, Kuma was at the Russian's feet. Everyone noticed this and were about to ask but the look that the Russian gave made them all shut their mouths. Matthew was placed next to Yao, the Chinese man looked the Canadian over to notice the dark bags under his eyes, red eyes and puffy, pasty pale skin.

Ivan placed a bowl of hot chicken broth in front of Matthew who just stared at it before pushing it away and curled in on himself. Everyone stared at Matthew in worry before anyone could say anything Kuma hopped onto the table and gently pushed the bowl in front of Matthew. The Canadian stared at the polar bear, Kuma growled at him and nipped his hand.

"Eat!" The bear demanded.

".... Not hungry..." Matthew said.

"Eat!" Kuma growled.

The nations nodded, while Francis rolled his eyes and nibbled on a muffin.


Matthew blinked before sighing, not even smiling at Kuma who remembered his name. He slowly picked up the spoon and started to eat. Alfred looked at the Russian who was watching Matthew like a hawk, the American wonder what had happened but decided to also keep an eye on his bro.

The nations finished eating when Matthew tried to pass off that he was fine Ivan, Feliciano, Lovino, Yong Soo, Tino, and Lukas made sure to bring something for the blond. Alfred and Arthur had an arm around Matthew as they all walked to the meeting room where the there sat together. The book appeared and fell on to Francis head..... Hard..... There were french curses being thrown about in voice cracks.

Everyone snickered before Ludwig cleared his throat to speak when a note appeared in front of Alfred. Everyone turned to the nation, who picked up the note and glanced up before receiving a nod from the German.

"Hello everyone! We are having a slight problem with some of your bosses and a few of you may have received calls from them. We are very sorry and hope that with the next few entries you all can figure out how to help one another. Also we are allowing phone calls from family members because nobody wants blood thirsty relatives. Well have a good day!

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