The phone call

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Ludwig had called for a break and Matthew snuck away from the other nations and ran to the closest bathroom. Rushing to one of the stalls and fell to his knees and stared at the clear water and froze. Matthew knelt there looking at water and thoughts flooded his mind of all the things that Francis had said and everything that Alfred and the others told him. The Canadian was so confused and he started to cry, instead of ridding everything that was in his stomach, he curled up into a ball next to the toilet crying into his knees.

"Matthew?" came a familiar voice.

Matthew looked up to see Yong Soo standing just outside of the stall, worry was written all over his face. Matthew started to tremble and weakly raised a hand towards the other and looked at him with begging violet eyes.

"I'm... I-I..." Matthew choked out, and the Korean nation rushed to the Canadian and pulled him into a hug.

"Did you?" Yong Soo asked.

"N-no, I'm so confused? Why can't I do it? I've done it for years! So why?" Matthew cried out.

Yong Soo gently rocked the crying blond and hushed him. Matthew latched on to the nation and buried his tear stained face into Yong Soo's neck. They stayed like that until Matthew calmed down and was able to speak again, Yong Soo dried the blonds tears and pulled away from the hug and looked Matthew over.

"Are you okay now?" he asked.

"Y-yeah... thanks." Matthew said, playing with the sleeves of his hoodie that he had grabbed earlier.

Yong Soo nodded before helping the Canadian up and led him out of the bathroom and towards his friends and family. Matthew stayed under Yong Soo's arm as he looked at the ground while feeling 'fat' from the soup but the soup was so good that he couldn't resist it. Discreetly Matthew pinched his sides feeling all that fat and felt like a failure.... just like Francis had said. Yong Soo waved to the nations and noticed that Francis still wasn't back and that Antonio and Gilbert were gone and Matthias was gone as well.

"Hey Mattie, how are you feeling?" Alfred asked when the duo reached the group.

"Confused." Matthew said, looking at the ground.

Peter rushed over to Matthew and hugged his waist. The Canadian looked at him with shock, half expecting the micro to hate him after figuring out his secret. Peter noticed the look and smiled at his big brother.

"I don't care about some secret. You're still my big brother!! I love you no matter what!" Peter said.

Matthew smiled as he knelt down to the micros height and hugged him as he smiled lightly. The nations took photos of the two before a tune rang through the air. The Canadian pulled out his phone and smiled lightly, as the tune of the War of 1812 played before answering.

"Hello Alex." Matthew greeted.

"DAD!! ADAM RUINED MY CLOTHES!!! HE ALSO DYED SALLY'S HAIR PINK!!!" Came the somewhat of a greeting.

Matthew blinked before his eye twitched a bit.

"Alex... put your brother on the phone for me please, eh." Matthew said, Alfred looked at his brother wondering what happened.

"H-hi dad..." Adam greeted.

"Adam Arthur Williams! Why did I get a call about you ruining your sisters clothes and that you dyed Sally's hair... Pink no less!" Matthew said in a firm tone.

Matthew could hear his son give a weak laugh, Alfred started to snicker at this. Matthew stood up and punched Alfred in the arm, giving him a glare. The others stood there shock that Matthew was dealing with one of his kids, Arthur was both pleased and surprise that one of his children had his name but also that he used the name card.

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