Time to bond! Over movies and candy!

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Alfred, Peter and Ivan were looking for Matthew in the kitchen, Bathrooms, and empty offices. While Lukas, Emil, and Mathias checked the storage rooms, closets, and empty meeting rooms. Berwald and Tino checked the hallways, janitors closets, and the rooms that they would be staying in. The Italian twins vanished after they all split up to find the blond Canadian.

There was still no sign of the Canadian anywhere. Peter frowned when they opened the last office to find nobody there. They sighed and went to see if the others had any luck on finding Matthew.

"I really hope that Matthew isn't doing something that he shouldn't be doing... Or that he is crying a river." Alfred muttered.

"Da! But we will find him,Da." Ivan said, looking at the ground with mixed emotions.

"Matthew doesn't deserve this... he is so nice to everyone! Why is it the ones who are kind and friendly have to suffer in silence alone!" Peter cried.

Alfred held back a flinch.

"I see you guys didn't find him either." Tino's voice spoke up to the left of the group.

They all nodded and saw that all of the groups were there except for Lovino and Feliciano. Alfred frowned and looked at the floor, guilt flooding his mind. They looked at each other with worry when, there was footsteps running down one of the hallways and the group looked up to see Matthew running and Lovino and Feliciano chasing after him.

"GET HIM!!" Lovino shouted.

Ivan and Berwald both rushed towards the Canadian and grabbed him.

"Let me go!!" Matthew growled.

Alfred saw tears in his twin brother's violet eyes and how pale he looked. Guilt was eating at the American, Alfred walked up to his struggling brother and wrapped his arms around his twin and held him. Tears fell from his blue eyes as he felt Matthew tremble. Alfred saw Lovino and Feliciano smiling at them. He offered a weak smile to them as he held his twin.

"Let me go! I want to be alone!!" Matthew growled trying to get out of Alfred's grip.

"Mattie, please calm down. Please don't run from us Mattie." Alfred said, running a hand through his brothers hair.

Matthew froze before slowly calming down in his brothers arms and he rested his head on Alfred's shoulder. The others felt relieved that the American was able to calm down the northern nation. Ivan and Berwald both released the young nation and stepped back a bit. Peter rushed over and hugged Matthew and Alfred's waists and nuzzled his face between the two.

"Ve~ why don't we all go watch a movie?" Feliciano said.

The others nodded and Matthew and Alfred both nodded as well. It would help them to calm down a bit before going back to the meeting.

"Ve~I'll text Ludwig so he won't worry about us!" Feliciano said, pulling out his phone for a few seconds before putting it away.

"Okay! Let's go!"

With that the group left to go to Mathias's room and the blond was grinning like an Idiot thinking about all the movies that they would have to pick from. When the group made it to the room all of their jaws dropped. There was a plasma flat screen TV, there were speakers hanging off of the walls and a large couch that looked like it was over stuffed and soft.

There was a large fridge, a microwave, a glass case filled with junk food and there was shelves with movies from Disney, Dreamworks, Pixar to Marvel, D&C, and horror movie. There were a few world disaster movies and shark movies as well.

"Wow...." Was all that the group could say as they watched as Matthias walked in.

"Come on in, Matthew gets to pick and nobody is going to argue about it and you aren't going to fight me on this Matthew." The Dane said.

The others nodded while Matthew sighed and walked over to the movies and started to look through the movies. Since Peter was there then kid movies are more appropriate for him... and the fact that Matthew wanted something fun and light to watch.

"How about we watch Tangled?" Matthew asked.

Everyone looked at each other and Feliciano and Alfred both had grins that made everyone nervous.

"Lets do it!!!" They shouted and Matthias took the dvd case and put the movie in.

Alfred and Lukas sat next to Matthew, Peter was sitting between Tino and Lukas. Feliciano was next to Alfred and Lovino. Ivan sat in front of Matthew and Berwald sat in front of Tino and Emil was (Forced) sitting on his brothers lap. Lukas was claiming that he would be scared and would need his big brother to protect him. Matthias sat behind the group and snickered at Emil's embarrassing situation. 


Matthew was in tears by the end of their third movie and it was the Little Match girl, Alfred suggested it, and was clinging to both Alfred and Feliciano while the rest was hugging the closest person to them. Ivan was hugging Matthew's legs while Tino and Peter sobbed into Berwald's chest, who had let a stray tear fall.

Matthias was hugging both Lukas and Emil as the three wept. Lovino, though he will deny later, had clung to his twins side and cried while cursing the American for this. Alfred sobbed into Matthews hair as he hugged his friends and brother. The bowls of popcorn laid forgotten on the ground.

The crying group didn't notice that the door had opened and that the other countries stared at them in shock as the credits to the Little Match girl finished. Ludwig saw Feliciano hugging Alfred and felt a little bit jealous, Antonio though it was cute how Lovino was hugging his brother and took several photos of the group.

Arthur and Francis looked at the North American twins and felt like they should be there for them and be the ones comforting them, though Francis wouldn't let Arthur near Matthew after what was read. Gilbert was upset that Matthew was clinging to Alfred and Feliciano and was mad.

Yong Soo(Please tell me if that was right) smiled and grabbed tissues and walked to the crying group.

"Crying was made in North Korea, but Tissues are made in South Korea." he said.

There was lots of muffled 'Thank yous' from everyone and they slowly got a hold of themselves. Matthew looked at the door and blushed at the sight of all the other nation's, he looked at Gilbert and shrunk back a bit and looked at the Nordic's and his other friends and Brother, smiling at them.

"Thanks you guys.... This really helped." Matthew said.

"No problem! We all should do this again!!" Matthias said.

"Yeah! Let's do it at Mommy's house!" Peter chirped, Tino was red at the name.

"Agreed.... you Idiots." Lovino said.

"Ve~ we should have you kids with us too Matthew!!" Feliciano said.

"Yeah, we can have the whole family over!" Matthew said, sharing a look with Alfred.

There were a few more agreements before they decided to go to bed, leaving some shocked nations behind. Matthias looked at them and snickered.

"Well good night, Yong Soo can you get them to leave please." Matthias asked as he walked into his room and closed the door.

The nations were then kicked out of the room with the door slamming in their face's. Ludwig sighed before leaving for his room the others followed the German's example and left for their rooms. 


Sorry for the long wait, I was having a hard time thinking about how to go about this chapter and had other stories to work on as well.

I hoped that you like this chapter and tell me how I am doing! If you have any ideas for some of the characters I would loved to read them! Also as I was looking back on some of the chapters I realised that Canada is getting a lot of notice and some of the other nations that are suffering are not.. So I'll try to bring their problems forward... There are twelve of them.... I would like to see if you can figure out who they are :)

Peace out My little chibi readers!

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