Children aru!

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When the nation's came back to the meeting room the next day, Lovino was sitting next to Matthew and Alfred was on his other side but didn't seem to notice.

When everyone was sitting the book appeared on the table in front of Yao. He picked up the book and flipped to the page that they last read and cleared his throat.

When America was younger he gave England a hard time with all the trees he had climbed. A lot of his 'nice' outfits were quickly turned into rags do to him playing outdoors all day long.

Arthur sighed at this while Alfred laughed at the memory of a too shocked Arthur at the sight of his clothes. Arthur glared at the laughing American, who ignored him.

"They were made from the finest silks, you wanker!! They were destroyed by your foolish behaviour!!" Arthur snapped.

Alfred's smile faltered a bit before a fake smile replaced the faltering smile.

"Whatever dude those outfits were totally lame. I like the clothes that I would wear before you try forcing me into those stupid suits." Alfred said, smirking at his ex-caretaker.

Before Yao could continue reading more nation's and their care takers started shouting at each other for the outfits that they were forced into... Lovino and the maids outfit.

"Al... Arthur please stop fighting!" Matthew asked trying to stop his brother from throwing a chair at the fumming Englishman.

But the American ignored the Canadian. Yao, Kiku and Lovino notice this but thankfully Feliciano also noticed and poked Ludwig's arm and pointed at the very heated argument.


Everyone was quiet. The nation's saw that there was broken chairs and two red faced nation's. They sat down glaring at each other and the other nations calmed down to and sat in their seats.

Matthew saw the amount of broken items and inwardly whimpered. His Boss isn't going to be happy with him.

Matthew sat down and Yao turned back to the book and continued on.

China misses his siblings. His house is very lonely without having children around. He wishes that he could still raise little children since they are so cute!!

Yao blushed after reading this. The nation's who also had to raise the younger nation's nodded, the feeling of loneliness of not having kids to raise was very sad since it gave them an excuse to not act their age.

"Yao you can come over and help me with Nathian, and Lucy.... Even though some of my kids are good about helping me with those two but Alex and Adam are at each other's throats all the time. Albert and his constant need to cheer the two on alongside with Beth and Tim.... It's hard to stop them and I'm running off of Tim Hortons coffee, that and I have to deal with meetings and everything... I have an hour or two of sleep at the most." Matthew said.

The nation's looked at the young nation with shock, respect, and pitty. Yao looked at Matthew and smiled.

"I would like that very much aru." Yao said.

Matthew smiled before say one last thing.

"I should warn you... If they ask when your birthday is lie! They take birthday's to the max, they are party crazy like Al.... But worse. I still am finding glitter and party crackers in my house from three years ago from my birthday...."

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