Troubled teens

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Matthew was lead to a empty office with Alfred closing the door behind them. Alfred watched his twin walk to a chair and fall on to it. The American sighed and walked up to his brother and wrap his arms around his shoulders, Matthew didn't move. This was concerning for America.

"Mattie? Are you okay?... Are you Really okay?" Alfred asked.

"*Leave me alone!*" Matthew said.

"Mattie!" Alfred spoke with a tone that would make the nations faint.

"*Leave me alone! I don't want to talk to you Alfred! Just go back to ignoring me like everyone else!*" Matthew shouted, pushing Alfred's arms away from him and ran out of the room.

Alfred stood there hurt, his brother didn't want to be around him.... Alfred stayed there writing on his wrist things that he thought about himself. It is the only way, the only way so nobody knows.


When everyone came back to the meeting room they looked at the North American twins, Alfred was smiling but not so brightly as before, Matthew's eyes were dark with mistrust and a frown. The nations glanced at each other then at the two blonds.

Peter wanted so badly to help them but he just didn't know how too.

When everyone sat down Ivan was next to Matthew the same with Alfred and the Nordic's. Since Ivan read last he gave the book to Matthew who gave a slight nod and open it to the right page and cleared his throat.

Lovino hates it when people tell him that he is nothing like his brother
or that he is rude to everyone. It is all he hears is 'Feliciano is very talented', 'Why aren't you more like Feliciano?'. There are days where Lovino will disappear for days maybe weeks before coming back with a better attitude. But he still hear's the same phrases every day and he doesn't know when he will snap at everyone, he pray's that it will end some time soon.

Antonio and Feliciano both looked at a very annoyed Lovino, who was glaring at the table. Feliciano got up and walked up to his brother and hugged him.

"Ve~ You are nothing like me and I am happy for that Lovino! You don't need to be like me that isn't you! You maybe rude and harsh but you are my brother and if you try to change that I will make sure that you regret it." Feliciano said, Lovino looked at him with tears in his eyes.

Feliciano pulled his twin into a hug and Japan took a picture to give to the twins for a gift later while the nations cooed at the cute scene. When they pulled away Antonio whispered something into Lovino's ear that made the Italian snicker and nodded grinning..... The nations felt like they should watch their backs.

"...Uh... continue on Mark?" Arthur asked.

Matthew looked up and the nations glared at the Brit but Matthew just sighed and continued.

Dear dairy,

Papa is going to KILL ME!!! Alfred and I were hanging out with Gilbert and Mathis and they all dared me to get a Eyebrow piercing and dye my hair different colours for a year or two... Alfred picked these stupid colours and I nearly put Gilbert in the hospital when I got the brow piercing.

Matthews face went from fare pale skin to tomato red in seconds. Mathis, Gilbert, and Alfred were laughing on the floor. Francis screamed and ran over to Matthew and hugged the Canadian's head to his chest.... Meaning Matthew was now turning blue then red.

Secrets from centuries of darknessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang