New Roads! Avatar Ben Varrand (3)

Start from the beginning

Brewing: Intermediate 6 (59%)

You can brew alcoholic drinks.

Nature's Growth: Advanced 1 (73%)

All plant bases loot rises by 65% in quantity and 49% in quality.

Druid: (Exp-15%)

Inner breathing: Intermediate 8 (29%)

As you breath deeply and regularily your Health Regenerion Rate rises by 43%.

Clear Mind: Beginer 5 (47%)

Resistance to Mental firtitude rises by 11%.

Nature's Understanding: Intermediate 2 (36%)

The risk of getting lost in a natural environment decreases by 23%

Familiarity with wild life rises by 51%

Spirit's Understanding: Beginer 5 (83%)

The risk of getting lost in a spiritual environment decreases by 12%

Familiarity with Spirits rises by 48%

Spirit of the Wolf: Intermediate 7 (47%)

You can take the form, stats and skills of a wolf.

Not all equipments are suitable to be worn as a wolf. all unsuited equipments will be returned to your backpack.

Familiarity with all canines rises by 35%

Mana Consumption: 98

•Spirit of the Horse: Beginer 3 (37%)

You can take the form, stats and skills of a Horse.

Not all equipments are suitable to be worn as a horse. all unsuited equipments will be returned to your backpack.

Familiarity with all horses rises by 5%

Mana Consumption: 100

Spirit of the Moonlight: Intermediate 8 (63%)

At night Health recuperation rate rises by 41%.

At night mana recuperation rate rises by 46%.

At night Dexterity, Endurence and Speed rises by 7.

At night Strength and toughness rises by 6.

Your wolf form now pocess moonlight markings on its head.

Your horse form now pacess moonlight markings on its head.

Night Sky's Blessing: Intermediate 6 (19%)

At night all your stats increase by 53%.

At night all your Original Form skills and attributes increase by 53%.

At night all your Wolf Form skills and attributes increase by 41%.

At night your Health regeneration rate increase by 41%.

At night your Mana regeneration rate increase by 41%.

Martial Artist:

Martial arts: Advanced 6 (31%)

You can use all weapon types and wear all armors with no penalities or restrictions.

You can battle with or without weapons with no penalities.

Strength, Toughness, Endurance +15

Dexterity, Speed +12

Inteligence +8

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