Chapter 38: Not A Bad Boy

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Dedicated to @madeofkay for her amazing cover! She also made the one for my other story (Love in A Test-tube) ^^ 

I love the song on the side! It's so beautiful, an instrumental :)

Listen to it with the story if you want :D


Alan's POV:

"Now another reason girls will like you," Blaine whispered to me with a soft laugh. I started to chuckle too.

"A girl who got the bad boy? Guys will be after you faster than you can blink." I whispered back to her. She started to blink fast, making me laugh. I wiped her tears.

"Blaine-" Jesse said, looking uncomfortable. "I honestly didn't mean it. I just had a bad morning, not that it makes it better." Blaine put her hand up to stop him.

"It's okay." She said, wiping the rest of her tears. "Who wants to get to class?" She asked with a smile.

"How about you meet us there Blaine?" I said looking at the guys. She gave me a worried look, but I just smiled at her. She nodded at this and walked out with her bag in hand. When she closed the door after her, I took the uniform off of me, glad I was wearing a t-shirt under it. I threw it to the guys and grabbed my bag ready to walk out too.

"Alan, wait." Jesse said; his hands clenching my former jock uniform. I smiled at him and Kevin.

"I'm not one of you guys; I'm a nerd. That's all I want to be." I said, putting my backpack on.

"You should still put it on, so you don't get a detention." Jesse said passing it over to me. I took it back, sulking that I forgot about that. I grabbed it from him.

"I want them to back off her." I said seriously.

"Why do you care so much about that- girl?" Jesse asked looking seriously confused. "She deserves to get bullied." I shook my head.

"That's how I know we're different. You've never been bullied. You don't know what it's like." I said staring them down.

"So I have to get bullied to understand?" Jesse said angrily.

"Jess-" Kevin said. "Stop."

"You don't have to be bullied. You just have to have emotions." I said. A flash of regret went through Jesse's eyes while I just closed the door after me.

I didn't look to Jesse's grim face and Kevin's blank look.

When I went to class, I saw Blaine and sat myself next to her. Why did I agree to the Nerd Project? Was it because I wanted to become popular and have lots of friends? I looked at Blaine and thought how she was the only one who remained through it all. She caught my look and smiled at me. Regardless of everything, she was here. Beside me. Whether I was a nerd or not.

That feeling almost scared me. I moved to face the board, and I couldn't help but think how lucky I was.

My thoughts packed my mind while I mindlessly wrote notes in this and the next classes. During lunch, Blaine and I got our lunches and sat in a different table. I noticed we got some stares sometimes. Some people (girls) came to our table.

"Hey Alan, hey Blaine." They would say while looking at me. I nodded at them with an arm on Blaine's shoulder.

"We heard you got in a fight with Jesse. We wanted to make sure you were okay." They said looking at me like they actually worried. I nodded my thanks and continued eating. Girls came to me saying countless things: "The uniform goes with your eyes!" or "I like how your hair looks like this." I didn't even know any of them, so I would just nod not knowing what to say.

"Would you want to go out this Friday?" One of the girls asked me with my arm still on Blaine. I was so shocked that I started laughing. This kind of stuff actually happens?

"No," I said shaking my head. "Blaine, are they serious?" I asked her as they left in dissatisfaction. "Geez." A quiet Blaine pushed my arm off her. I started to pout. "Hey, let's be fair here." I said bumping my shoulder with hers. She gave me a mock-serious look. I could see the sparkle in her eyes, and I couldn't help but peck her lips. She smiled back at me. "Now could I please put my arm on your lovely scapula?"

"No." She laughed. I cleared my voice.

"I meant can I put my arm on your shoulder?" I said trying to sound cool.

"I don't know, can you?" She chuckled, taking a bite of her apple. At this, I rolled my eyes and put my arm around her.

"Yes." I said, chuckling. She rolled her eyes and took another bite of the apple. "Do you want to hang out later?" I asked, swallowing my nerves.

"Is your mom invited?" She joked. I laughed.

"No no, just us, this time." I said, glad I could leave the house again.

"I don't know," She said playfully. "What about all the rumors?" I perked up.

"What rumors?"

"Alan Gray. The new bad boy." She said, faking suspense.

"Clearly they didn't hear me call your shoulder a scapula." I whispered.

"Clearly." She laughed. "If you promise not to do that again, I'll go on that date."

"What kind of bad boy would I be then?" I said, laughing. She shoved my shoulder before grabbing her drink. "So date tomorrow night, me and you?" I asked.

"Sure." She agreed. "When'd you say your eye doctor appointment was?" She paused before drinking some of her juice.

"After our college course today." I told her, straightening out my uniform.

"New glasses?" She asked me. I nodded.

"I think so." I said pausing, "I think it suits me more, you know?"

"Yeah." She said, closing the lid on her juice. "I know."

Lily's POV:

I dropped my fork onto my lunch tray then picked it back up in annoyance. What does he even see in her? I don't get it. Is it because she's a cheerleader?

He even changed his image for her, this was all just messed up. I turned my attention away from them to see Charlie sitting with Kevin. What a sell-out. I can't believe she's sitting at the popular table with that backstabber Shelly. I should've known better than to get involved with Shelly in the first place. I sighed and looked down at my tray.

"Hey Lily." I turned to see Matt smiling at me. "Want a cookie?"

"No thanks." I said. His face fell, so I continued. "But I'll take half if you take the other." A half-smile grew onto his face.

"Sure." He said as he pieced it, and we ate in silence. Matt still sat with me and did nice things for me. I would've fell for him but he always tells people he already has a girl in mind. I just hope he has better luck than me. Tears started to spring to my eyes.

"I'm a mess, aren't I?" I told him. His dirty blonde hair fell in his eyes as he studied me.

"We all make mistakes, it's normal." He told me. I shook my head.

"I messed up big time." I said, wiping a tear. He looked a little hesitant and got up and walked away. My eyes grew wide as I thought about him leaving me too. More tears made its way to my eyes, and I tried to discreetly wipe my eyes. I felt someone take the seat next to me. I cringed thinking it was another bully, but it was Matt again.

"Here." He said passing me a tissue. I blinked in surprise.

"Oh, um thank you." I was wiping my tears away, then I looked at Alan again. I wish things turned out differently. I mean I was drunk; I didn't even know what I was doing.

But who am I kidding, I never had a chance with him. The only love in my life will be the ones I read about.


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