Chapter 29 The Final Battle

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"We can't fight them!" Daniel protested, "We're nerds!"


Violet had slapped Daniel because of what he had said.

"What was that for?" Daniel cried.

"The only way we were able to fight and win before now was because we're nerds you twit!" Violet returned, "But this will be a bit more difficult."

Violet set down her backpack and dug threw the contents.

"Here." Violet said, "Keaph, a trainee uniform with 3DM gear and Titan Shifter armor."

"Yeah!" Keaph cried.

Violet went back to digging through her back pack as Keaph equipped himself with his new gear.

"What are you looking for?" I asked.

"A little something I made during the time we were trapped in the school." Violet said, "Ah, here it is."

Violet pulled out a clear carrying case of syringes filled with a purple serum.

"If we're gonna stand half a chance this time," Violet asserted, "I'll have to upgrade all of you."

"Upgrade who now?" Christopher remarked.

"Trust me." Violet said, "This will bring out your full potential as a living organism. Every sense and bodily function, whether learned or behavioral, will increase ten fold at least and you will become a superhuman powerhouse. However, this won't last very long, five hours at the most. So don't waste your time once you've been injected. Go fighting as soon as humanly possible."

"And if we don't?" Jackson inquired.

"Then you'll be forced." Keaph interjected.

Violet stabbed herself with a syringe and once it was drained, we couldn't keep track of her movements. She was now a ninja, lovely.




As if she were taking full advantage of her new found powers, Violet dosed each of us with the serum at lightening speed. The effects were worth the bee sting it took to obtain them. My sight improved to over 20/20, so I was able to take off my glasses; I could feel my other senses strengthening, I was suddenly able to hear a caterpillar that was crawling around my foot; my strength, stamina, and fighting skills had also shot up exponentially, I still wouldn't try to fight any of the anime characters, these effects would wear off of me, not them.

We broke into the same groups as last time and spread to the four corners. The only change to the groupings was that Keaph was with Levi, Hange, and Erwin instead of Mason who was still missing. That really bothered me as we slain titan after titan, eventually we would have to find Mason. Either he was somehow tangled up in the entire thing, or he was dragged in at the last minute. No matter which is true, we will have to fight Mason eventually.

Everyone gathered together to fight Colossal, who by far took more planing and energy to take down than the other titans.

"Group 1!" Violet called, "Keep his right arm busy!"

"Got it!" I cried.

I zoomed along the right arm, slashing away and dodging everyone else in my group. She took my spot as leader again. Unfortunately, Violet was a better leader, it seemed to come so natural to her, but I knew I would have been just as good at it if I was given a chance.

"Group 2!" Violet yelled, "The left arm!"

"On it!" Levi replied.

I noticed someone standing on Colossus' shoulder, it was Mason. He seemed to be in a trance and was grinning like a homicidal maniac. I wanted to shout at him, but it would have been covered by Violet's yelling.

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