Chapter 24   The Home Front

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At first, I didn't know why we had to stop fighting the titans before we turned in, now I get it. After reflecting on my scuffle with Levi, I realized Violet wanted us to cool down and truly relax after titan hunting. Mostly we swapped stories of what happened during the day, making fun of each other for mishaps and blunders. We spent some time just kicking back in silence as well. Although Violet really didn't take the opportunity as readily as the rest of us did, she did explain things in more detail during that time.

"What were you doing today Zelda?" Eren asked, "I mean you were working with a cauldron."

"I didn't want to run out of any of the serums I'd made." Violet explained, she must have gotten use to us calling her Zelda, "That reminds me."

Violet stood up and was heading for the lab, but Levi jumped in front of her before she had a chance to take more than five steps.

"Hold up." Levi insisted, "You've done enough today. Whatever it is can wait until tomorrow."

"No, 'cause I'll forget by then." Violet reprimanded, "And this needs to be done."

Violet tried to side-step Levi, but he wouldn't let her pass. Naturally, Violet just kept trying, it was actually quite entertaining to watch.

"Let me by!" Violet argued, "I'll be done quicker if you just let me go!"

"Sorry Zelda." Levi laughed, he seemed to be enjoying himself at least, "No dice, you need to rest."

"I will." Violet pressed, "After I do this one thing."

"Nope." Levi said with a grin, cutting Violet off again, "It ain't happening Zelda."

"Uurgh!" Violet sighed.

It looked like Violet had given up. Violet walked back toward her seat, then ran the long way to the lab. Levi caught on to what Violet had done and began chasing her. He was hoping to catch Violet, Levi got close too, nearly had a hold on her wrist, when...


Violet used her 3DM gear to jump right through the lab door.

"Thbbbb!" Violet mused.

"You haven't won yet!" Levi cried.

Levi ran to the lab, but he was too late. Violet had done what ever she needed to do. She came out with a folder, which she handed to me.

"What's this for?" I asked.

"It is the nature of all living things to find some being greater than themselves and place their trust in that being, following it blindly." Violet responded, "I'd rather not have all that responsibly."

"Preach preacher!" Keaph yelled through Violet's watch.

"What?" I repeated.

"Being the best isn't all it's made out to be. When you're strong and accomplished, you become arrogant and withdrawn. Even if whatever you sought after was your dream." Violet said, "Aren't you the leader here?"

"Yes, I am." I answered.

"Then act like it!" Keaph called from Violet's watch.

"Just read these notes." Violet sighed, "It explains everything I know about our current situation."

"Oh." I gasped.

"You could've just said that in the first place." Christia chastised, "Instead of beating around the bush."

"Dramatic effect." Violet shrugged, "I mean, where's the fun in just being plain? It's boring."

That's pretty much how the two weeks passed, Except we also spent some time telling jokes.

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