Chapter 16   Unraveling

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That was the second time Christopher left and like the millionth time that Violet had disappeared. I'm pretty sure that Violet's disappearance had something to do with Christopher leaving. Although to be honest, those two never got along very well. Only the trouble was, the rest of us had to pick either side. My answer was actually surprising to me, it's too crazy to explain straight up, but this began when the guys and I woke up about 6:30 a.m.

"Where's Violet?" Jackson asked sleepily.

"You mean she's not here?" Christopher implored, he sounded hopeful.

"Yeah," Chase said uncertainly, "That's what's implied with the question."

"Looks like she took the anime characters with her." Mason observed.

"I don't think she took them," Christopher argued, "They probably followed her."

"More than likely." Daniel added.

"Should we go and look for them, or..." I said.

"Why?" Christopher shot, "It's not like they're defenseless."

"What's your problem?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Christopher pressed.

"It seems like from the first day, you hated Violet."

"So what if I did?"

"It's uncalled for." I shouted.

"How so? We never needed her in the first place!"

"Yes, we did. Can't you see that? We would have been doomed if she weren't here."

"That's not what I heard last night!"

"What?" I thought that had all been a dream.

"Oh come off it Alex! We were all awake, just pretending to sleep. Violet was over there," He pointed at the exact spot, "And those precious anime characters that make up her posse were arguing with her about those damn books that she has."


"So! She created this mess!" Christopher yelled.

"No she didn't! I saw the person that did do it, and HE looked nothing like Violet."

"Can you prove it?"

"Does Violet have long, dark, dingy hair?"

"No, but her hair is short enough for her to have used a wig to hide her identity."

"Does Violet have red eyes?"


"What about slit wrists?"

"No, but what you don't have to keep defending her."

"I'm not defending her."

"Every time, yes you do."

"She's never here to defend herself!"

"That's why, eh?"

"So what?"

"Do you argue with her?"

"Not much. Would you?"

"See, you not only roll over and let her lead, but your fear of her allows her to disappear all the time." He ignored my question.

"You never tried to stop her!" I shot.

"I don't know her! That's one of the reasons I left last time."

"If your superiority complex can't handle being shown up, maybe you should leave again!"

"Fine! I will."


Christopher stormed off toward the door.

"I never even needed you!" I shouted as the door closed.


"God damn it!" I mumbled under my breath.

I walked off to the storage closet, locked both doors, and cried.

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