Chapter 14 The First Campaign

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 I had half a mind to remind them, especially Violet, that I was the leader, but whatever. So long as we did get out of here.

We all queued up to the bulletin board and looked at the page marked 'Part A'. The details were very, very.....there were a lot of details.

Apparently, only for today, we were going to tackle the group of titans around the library, which just so happened to be a very open, window room. Once we had the titans beat back, we would find a way to seal that space off and do the same for the construction and automotive labs on the other side of the school. The way we were suppose to fight the titans was completely mapped out and actually played to all of our strengths.

We geared up and made our way down toward the library. Just as Violet thought, about four 3 meter titans had made their way into the library. The large picture windows were shattered and there was blood everywhere. In the corner of the room, where the new arrivals section was setup, was a huge gory chunk of what can only be described as titan vomit.

Instantly; Chase, Daniel, and Mason ran off and threw up in the bathroom, Christopher was white as a piece of paper, Jackson looked exactly how I felt; ready to throw up, but not ready to admit defeat, and Violet jumped into action with all the anime characters.

"Come on guys!" Violet yelled, "You'll only ruin the plan by standing around! Hurry up!"

Chase, Daniel, and Mason had come back and sprung into action as well. Jackson activated his gear and took off into the fray. I had to get Christopher moving before we could get the plan in motion.

As we slayed the four titans that were previously in the library, five more of the three to four meter variety had come in.

"Hurry!" Hannes yelled, "We have to seal off the windows!"

"I'm on it!" Hange proclaimed as she zipped toward the busted windows.

Violet and Levi followed suit and helped Hange seal the windows. The medium they used was nasty, but effective. They used the titan vomit as a blockage so as to deter other titans from entering. I strongly hoped that they would wash their hands afterward.

Eren and I finished off the last two titans simultaneously. The library now felt like a sauna and we all left in a herd of people to recuperate in the 'fresh air' of the band room.

We had to not only catch our breath, but also eat something for lunch, it was 12:30 p.m. Already.

"Go." I commanded.


"Go wash your hands." I demanded, "You touched titan vomit. That is plain out nasty."

"Alright mother hen." Armin said, "Calm down, we're going. No need to give us a reason."

I looked at Armin. I was shocked, was I really going around like a mother? Impossible. Yes, I was insisting that Violet, Levi and Hange go wash their hands, but that was because they had touched titan vomit. Something like that was plain out disgusting.

But everyone, and I do mean everyone, had gone to wash their hands. Great, just great, I try to be a leader and it comes across as being a parent, just super.

When everyone returned, we sat down and had lunch, which was nothing but peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. It was fine, just old by now. I began to wonder if anyone here knew how to cook. There just wasn't any time at the moment, we had to continue our prescribed mission.

Down to the construction lab we trekked. The situation wasn't as bad there. No blood or bodies, but there was plenty of titan vomit.

"I'm not touching that." Christopher complained.

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