Chapter 10   The Garrison & The Survey Corps

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While we were in the anime world, I tried every kind of power I could think of. I fired blast after blast, Kamehameha waves, Galick guns, Rasengans, Special Beam Canons, and Fireball Jutsus. There were other techniques that fascinated me, so I tried them as well. Teleportation, telepathy, walking on water, and other crazy things like it. The more time I took messing around, the more Violet seemed restless and agitated.

"Hey!" She chastised, "We have a world to save Alex! We need to get moving."

"Alright!" I yelled back, "I'm coming."

So we set off in search of the specific area of the anime world where Attack on Titan would be. I was sad to have to pass Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, and Pokemon, but Violet was right (big shocker), we did have a world to save.

"Do you know where we are suppose to go?" I asked.

"Not really."

"Then why are we going this way?"

"If you want to lead the way, I'll be happy to follow, but no detours."

Typical, I was being criticized for my criticism and, once again, it seemed like Violet was reading my mind. Though, I did notice, we seemed to be drawing attention, from every world we were passing. I glanced behind me to find someone was following us already. I couldn't tell who it was though Violet seemed to have a good idea.

"Quit following me." She pronounced.

"Who?" I inquired, "Me?"

Violet turned around and looked at me, "No, not you, Him." she pointed at the person following us.

"What did he do?" I questioned.

"Well," Violet sighed, "He's following us for one, and I know him from my own dream world, for another. To be honest, I thought I quite clearly told him to leave me alone."

"Who is he?" I dared to ask.

"One of my anime fathers." she answered as she blushed, "His name is," pause, "Amra."


"He's from the Savage Sword of Conan, and, well..." She stopped there.

"Let's get on with what we were doing." I suggested.

We set off walking again, still in the same direction, only now we seemed to have a veritable army following us. Anime characters from all kinds of weird and random animes, including Naruto and Dragon Ball Z. It was evident that Violet knew they were following us because she kept walking faster and faster. That's when the people we were looking for found us. Violet was forced to stop and she was highly conflicted about it. The people in front of us were Erwin, Levi, and Hange.

"So Violet," Erwin began, "What do you need us to do?"

"Wait," I interjected, "What? You mean to tell me that you can simply order them around like solders or mercenaries?"

"In my personal dream world, yeah." Violet replied, "I just didn't think it would carry over to a domain that anyone could access."

"Come with us," Levi insisted, "Once we reach the boundary of our universe, these others will leave, hurry!"

So Violet and I followed Erwin, Levi, and Hange to the Attack on Titan universe. When we got there, I felt my jaw drop. All the walls were perfectly intact and everyone was smiling.

"What's going on here?" I shouted.

"Hm?" Erwin remarked, "Oh! Everything that was depicted in your world was nothing more than movie magic here."

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