Chapter 2   Unexpected Journey

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"It's a long story." I explained.

The rumbling got louder all of a sudden, as if the titans had surrounded the band room. However, there was no ominous creaking or wall smashing, so I guess we were safe, for now. We heard a door above us open, and from down the ladder in the storage room closet descended Violet, with her book-bag in tow. All the guys onslaught-ed Violet with questions, a lot of questions. And yet, she didn't answer any of them. One by one, everyone did simmer down, she had started glaring at us. If I hadn't known better, I'd say she did come from an anime herself.

"Man," she sighed, "It's worse out there."

"Why did you leave?" Christopher asked.

"Who said I had to answer to you?" Violet started on him sarcastically, "I left because Alex's idea may have merit."

Everyone jumped back in astonishment.

"You do know I was only kidding, right?" Chase questioned.

"Yes Chase, I know." She said heavily, "But I also know that any idea is a good idea if it is attempted."

"Well lucky us." Daniel started, "You just had to recruit the one person with ALL the books."

"Hey now," Jackson reprimanded, "We have blood-thirsty beasts out there."

"We don't need them in here." Mason overlapped.

"Well maybe we don't need a crack pot person giving us false hope and corrupting our first leader." Christopher ranted.

"Alright, everyone just calm down." I said, trying to soothe the situation, "What do you have for us, Violet?"

I had to turn back around to see if Violet was still with us. She was still there thankfully, but now she was rooting through her book-bag. Most of her things were flung to the other side of the storage room, papers were flying through the air. All the guys, myself included, were dumb struck, none of us ever saw her act like this. Violet had a stack, maybe five or six good sized books, and seemed to have reached the last thing she needed.

"Vi...." I began.

"One minute." She said as she pulled out a small supply box.

She opened the books and began scanning for whatever she believed was necessary to pull off my crazy scheme. We waited with baited breath as Violet searched book after book.

"Here!" She exclaimed suddenly.

"What is it?" Jackson implored.

"Yeah, we're all dying to hear it." Christopher said bitterly.

I sighed, but Violet seemed to feel no need to explain. She simply got up from her half sitting, half kneeling position and walked out of the door again. This time, I was determined to follow her.

"Hey!" I cried, "Wait up!"

She seemed very distracted. I looked back toward the shelter of the band room we had left, and what I saw was the others out of the storage room and watching us. I turned and had to run to catch up with Violet.

"Where are we going?"



"We need a rope thing."

I decided to just trust her judgment, besides she was finally giving a few answers. Although what Violet did next was shocking.

"Can you provide me a few answers?" She implored.

"Yeah," I said quizzically, not sure if I really could answer her questions.

"So titans aren't very smart, are they?"


"And their strength isn't really that much, correct?"

"They're pretty strong...."

"But they can't use their full potential due to their lack of brains, right?"

"I guess not."

She stopped there. But she looked distracted. Like she was trying to solve a difficult algebra problem. Only that's what we were all doing, Violet simply acted like she had a calculator of sorts. I continued to follow Violet until we reached the destination. Violet started her frantic digging like before. As I recalled, she was searching for something like a rope, so I knelt down and helped the process. The rumbling began again in earnest, I looked up nervously, then back at Violet. No change. Of course, it seemed like nothing bothered her. Then she rose from her kneeling position with a garden hose in hand.

"A garden hose?" I asked, "Really?"

The look I got from her, deadly.

"I'll explain later." She retorted.

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