Chapter 26 Inside the Cabinet

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Those two weeks of recon passed fairly quickly. We had about 100 titans left to kill and Chase and Daniel could wake up any time now. Finally, this confrontation was almost over. I had a deep-seated gut feeling of sadness, the sooner we finish, the sooner the anime characters would leave. Who wouldn't be bummed? Violet woke us up really early that Friday morning.

"Guys!" Violet called, "Guys, I've figured it out! Guys!"

"You did what now?" Christopher asked sleepily.

"Such a tenderfoot." Violet sighed, "I've consummated the spell required to ajar the entry way!"

"You hurt your what?" I asked.

"Oh never mind that!" Violet cried, "I need you guys up over here. I'll be darned if I have to open this door with just these guys awake!" She turned to the anime characters, "No offense, I just need more witnesses. Otherwise, they'll never believe me."

"None taken."

"What's Violet babbling on about?" Chase asked.

"You're awake!" Violet exclaimed, "That's a relief."

"Yeah." Daniel added, "How long were we out?"

"Two weeks." I explained.

"What!?!?!" Daniel and Chase cried, "Two weeks!!!"

"Come on guys!" Violet called, "We need to open this door."

"We aren't witches Zelda." Mason remarked.

"That doesn't even make sense." Violet sighed, "You would be wizards or warlocks if anything magical...Oh never mind! Just stand in front of the door. Once I open it, I'll probably collapse from magic usage, so it'll be up to you guys to fight whatever is in there. If there is anything in there."

"That's reassuring." Christopher scoffed.

"Just do it!" Levi shot.

Violet had pulled out a random looking stick from inside her jacket. A wand no doubt. She pointed it at the door and closed her eyes. At first nothing happened, then a small ball of light formed on the end of her wand. Violet didn't do anything for a few minutes, but the ball of light grew. Violet opened her eyes, her eyes were glowing, and the ball of light engulfed the door.

"Listen to me and abide." Violet recited, "Move this door aside."

Slowly, as if trying to disobey, the door slid on unseen tracks and opened up.

Violet did fall on all fours. Nothing jumped out and attacked us though. The room wasn't lit up, and none of us wanted to be the first one in the room.

"I...I..." Violet gasped, "I did it! Yes!"

"Wait..." I turned to look at Violet, "You mean to tell me you've never did that before? You mean to tell me our whole plan was cooked up by a novice witch!??"

"Yeah." Violet said as she stood up, "Where I lack in magical abilities, I attempt to collate with my aptitude in other areas of dynamism and astuteness."

"Your what did who now?" Keaph questioned through the watch.

"It's been hard for me to actually train in witchcraft." Violet continued, "So I make something with the rest of my dexterity."

"Too many large words." Jackson cried, "My brain's going numb. Someone make Zelda stop already."

"Besides." Violet trudged on as if the interruptions didn't bother her, "No one really believes much in magic anymore, and that does hinder the flow of thaumaturgy."

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