Chapter 7   Titan of Terror

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As I understood the plan, and I hoped I was right, I would be the one to slay the titan. Mason and Jackson would attack one leg, while Chase and Daniel attacked the other. Violet, I think, was suppose to be bait, and Christopher would clear our path. I hated the idea of anyone being bait, and I would have said something, if I wasn't beaten to it.



"You're the only one that can think like this. It can't be you!"

Violet simply wouldn't listen to us. Instead, she picked up Christopher's weapons and shoved them into his hands again.

"Stay with us kid!" She yelled in his face.

He shook his head forcibly. Violet slapped him, and Christopher finally came to. After having the plan re-explained to him, he blatantly disagreed, like the rest of us.

"You're the only one here that can actually pull off anything," Christopher reasoned, "You can't be bait."

"You think I don't very well know that!" Violet screamed, "And you still have the gall to think that I don't have the means to stop the inevitable? Do you?"

"I" I started, "I don't think anyone really believes your unprepared. We just don't want to see you get hurt if we can help it."

I could see that she knew my use of 'hurt' was deeper than bruises, she somehow understood I meant die. Thankfully she let it pass, but Violet did grab a small knife and walked toward the door. Yes, the guys did try to stop her, Daniel grabbed the back of her shirt in his attempts. He didn't try again. Violet had cut Daniel on the forearm. It wasn't deep or a complete chop off the arm cut, just a cooking accident style cut. Her form of defensive point proving.

The titan was trying to reach at us with tips of his fingers. Violet literally beat back the hands and allowed her own capture. The titan was still crouched, and was trying to eat Violet. That seemed to stir Christopher into action, because the next thing I knew, he had run out the door with his axes swinging in a maniacal rage. The other guys, Jackson, Mason, Daniel, and Chase ran out and began hacking at the beast's ankles. The titan roared in pain, and I sincerely hoped that was a good thing. I rushed out of the tool room and the sight I was met with was severely reassuring. I had to keep moving in order to be in position, but what I saw was Violet in the titan's face; hanging on to the brute's hair and stabbing it with a wild fury of almost abandon. I also noticed Christopher, still a little green around the gills, but fending off the hands of the monster. Chase and Daniel were hacking a bloody mess out of the titan's left leg as if this were mere sport while Jackson and Mason had managed to keep the flung gore to a minimum around the right leg.

I ran up the stairs and got to a favorable position where I could jump onto the lout's neck and slice it open. I took a deep breath and leaped toward my target. The rush I felt was unbelievable, but I might not have jumped right. It seemed like I wouldn't land on the titan at all. Too late to do something about it now. When I was in close proximity to where I should have landed, I was snatched from my free fall and placed on the brute's neck.

I glanced around, expecting to see that Violet had yet again saved my tail, but the results didn't match. Christopher was standing there, not Violet, who was on the other side of the neck. Chase, Daniel, Mason, and Jackson were still mutilating the lower half of the titan; which meant that Christopher was my rescue this time.

"Are you okay?" Christopher asked.

"Yes." Not really believing myself.

"Good," Violet said as she mutilated the titan's upper head, "Now please, end this one so we can leave."

She was right, as always, but this sounded more like a genuine plea and not a statement for others. So I got my footing and sliced the titan's neck from top to bottom. There wasn't a person in this one, but Violet dropped what she was doing to stab at the wound. I was thoroughly shocked that she could withstand the heat of the titan's flesh. Her arm just kept going deeper and deeper until she was up to her armpit in the titan's wound. But the flesh was disintegrating quickly as Christopher and I descended the titan's arm, Violet hadn't moved from her spot, nor had she changed motives. It looked like she fell when the flesh disappeared from under her, but Violet caught and climbed down the bones as if she had done this before.

"Let's get back to the band room." Chase proposed.

We all agreed and started on our way to the desired destination of safety. We walked silent and stone-faced. The titan's blood evaporated as we went. Titan's have a higher internal temperature, so when they are killed and their blood oxides they 'disappear' by evaporating.

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