Chapter 14~ Volpina~

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Viperion wasn't smiling,he gave cat noir a serious face. "Is everything ok?" Cat noir responded, "I've been seeing a lot of black butterflies lately and I know for a fact they aren't just black butterflies" replied Viperion.

"So what? I don't see how butterflies are so dangerous?" Cat noir said. Viperion shook his head and said "there the same butterflies that gave Flowerenne power" Viperion said looking at the ground. Cat noir stood there and said "I haven't seen any butterflies though."  The two stood there with confused faces.

The next day, it seemed as if it was another normal day in Paris. Everyone spent their day as any other, while Marinette was downstairs helping her parents in the Bakery. "Thank you for coming, have a nice day!" Said Marinette waving the customer goodbye. The customer took the bag of croissants and replied "you too" with a sweet smile and left. "Mom,is if okay if I can take a break for a few minutes?" asked Marinette. "Sure,but don't take too long" said Sabine distracted. Marinette walked out of the bakery and took out her earbuds. She sat at a bench in a park near the Bakery, she closed her eyes and leaned back.

Cat noir's POV
I sat with Viperion on top of the Eiffel Tower. He seemed to worry a lot about the black butterflies, I just think he's being dramatic. Out of no where I see a giant slimy green monster!! Viperion and me quickly got up and went after the green glob. "What the hell is that!?" Said Viperion. "I don't know,but we have to get rid of it" I said as I got my baton. Viperion nodded and smirked at me, "You always know what to do kitty" he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and ran after the green glob. I hit it with my baton and then it disappeared to an orange mist. "Huh?" I said said confused. "Idiot! I can't believe you thought that was real!!" Yelled a voice behind me.
Viperion turned around and I did the same, we saw a girl about our age, she had a fox suit. The girl also had brown hair with white tips,she had green eyes, she was also wearing a mask and gave us a dirty look. "Who are you?" Asked Viperion. She grabbed a flute she was carrying and played a note, she then shot an orange ball of light towards Viperion. He dogged it, "Hey I just asked a simple question!" He yelled back. I grabbed his arm and dragged him away "idiot are you asking to get killed!" I said. The girl then ran after as and yelled "where do you think your going cat noir!!"

Cat noir and Viperion jumped down and hid behind a building. "What did you do know?" Asked Viperion. "Me! It's not always me that causes stuff like this!" Cat noir said offended, Viperion sighed and replied "then why does she seem mad at YOU!" Cat noir shrugged. "Cat noirrrrr, don't think you can hide from me!" Yelled the vixen as she walked slowly behind him. "She found us!" Said Viperion, Cat noir turned around and put his hands up. "Listen m'am, we don't want to fight you" said cat noir. The vixen scoffed and said "My name is volpina and don't think your gonna get away with this that easily." Cat noir got his baton and said "Viperion go alert the other Parisians, make sure they don't get hurt." Viperion nodded and left. "Ok,it's just you and me now Volpina" said cat noir as he slowly walked near her. Volpina grabbed her flute and smiled, "oh kitty, you have no idea what you put yourself into" Volpina said.

"What did I even do to you?!" Asked cat noir

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"What did I even do to you?!" Asked cat noir. "You still don't know,do you?" Volpina said annoyed. Volpina played a note,but it was different this time, she then threw the orange ball of light at cat noir and he spun his baton and avoided the hit. Volpina then got frustrated and tried to hit him with her flute,he dogged. "Stay still!!" Volpina Yelled in anger. She then stood there as if she realized about something. She smiled and said "actually kitty, I have some business to attend" and left. Cat noir stood there for a bit, he was confused. He then went after her, but he couldn't see her in sight. "Looking for me!" Volpina said three buildings away. Cat noir turned around and chased after her, he then launched his baton at her back and hit her. She then disappeared into the same orange mist as the green glob did. "What? It's an Illusion!" Said cat noir. All of a sudden someone hit his head and he fell down unconscious.

Cat noir's POV
I don't remember what happened or why I'm here. I woke up in some room and I was tied up,I couldn't see anything since I blindfolded. "H-hello?" I said hoping I could get an answer. No one answered. I had to get out of here, I tried to break free from the ropes, but I couldn't.
Who ever tied me, did a good job. Something about Volpina seemed familiar, her dirty look reminds me of someone. Could it be Lila? I did break Lila's heart last night and that's why she's probably after me,but how did she get powers? Besides it seems I always break her heart. The black butterflies probably? Maybe Viperion was right about them. I guess I do kinda deserve this. I just hope Marinette is safe. Marinette! What if Lila does something to her!?

Marinette got up from the bench, her break was over. She removed her earbuds and walked towards the bakery. All of a sudden someone grabbed her arm, "Hey!" Yelled Marinette as she turned around to see who it was. "W-who are you?!" Said Marinette as she saw Volpina. Volpina frowned and took her to a rooftop and threw her on the ground.

"What do you want from me?! I did nothing to you!" Yelled Marinette. Volpina walked past her and she put her arm out to show Marinette something. "Mmmmph" Muffled Cat noir, he was tied up and he was covered in bruises and his suit was ripped. "C-Cat noir!! Noo!!" cried Marinette.

"What did you do to him!! You monster!!" Marinette sobbed. Volpina smirked "Me? I warned you to stay away from him, this is all your fault!" Yelled Volpina. Marinette tried to go near cat noir,but Volpina stopped her. "Go near him one more time and I'll kill him. "Why did it have to be cat noir out of all people?!" Marinette said standing up. Volpina glared at Marinette, Marinette looked at her and tilted her head. "Do I know you?" Said Marinette. She looks somewhat familiar thought Marinette.

Cat noir tried and tried to break free from the ropes,every time he tried he felt weaker. All he could think about is what could happen to his princess. All of a sudden someone took his blindfold off,it was Viperion. "How did you find me!?" Cat noir said. "I tracked you down" said Viperion smirking at him. "Did you put a tracker on me!?" Said cat noir a little mad.

Viperion then said "probably" in a cheeky voice. "Just get me out of here,I have to see Marinette!" Said cat noir. Viperion then said "you look cuter tied up" smiling, cat noir blushed and got really annoyed with him. Viperion then untied him and asked "so do you know who did that to you?" Cat noir looked at him seriously and said "yes, I think so" and ran out from the warehouse.

Volpina tied Marinette up and put a blindfold on her, she raised her up and yelled "Watch what happens when you don't listen!" She yelled at the Parisians. "Please d-don't d-do this" pleaded marinette. "Lila! Put her down!!" Yelled a voice behind Volpina. Volpina turned around and saw cat noir, "You?! How did you escape!?" She yelled. Volpina held Marinette at the edge of the building and said "one more step and the princess goes down." "Lila?" Said Marinette shocked. "It's Volpina!!" replied volpina. "Lila- I mean Volpina please put Marinette down! Let's talk about this!" Cat noir said putting his baton slowly down.

Volpina glared at him,but she didn't put Marinette down. "I don't need to talk to you! Not after all these years!" Said Volpina. Cat noir's ears slowly went down and he said "please don't do this" cat noir said quietly.

Heyyyy! I'm almost done with this story! I think I have only 2 more chapters and this finishes 😭😭😭 I enjoyed writing or typing this story😊

Kitty's princess ~marichat~ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora