Chapter 4 ~a hero~

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Cat noir's POV
I decided to turn into a cat again since I didn't want anyone to see me,they would think I'm a villain or whatever.I went down an alley not far from Princess's house.Why do I keep calling her that!? A few moments later I hear someone yelling my name out in the dead of the night.Well it wasn't my real name,minou...I knew who was calling for me.The one person who named me "minou".

The young girl kept looking for her kitten,but still couldn't find him.She tried not to cry or stutter.Then she saw a green flash come from an alley,she walked towards it."What was that?" said marinette confused. She went to the alley and saw a black cat with the same bell collar."M-minou?" said marinette disappointed,the black kitten put his ears down and backed away slowly."Minou,are you afraid of me?" "I'm so sorry princess,please don't cry" the black cat left.Marintte stood in the alley,tears about to burst from her eyes.The night was silent,until she wasn't alone.
"Hey there sweetie pie" said a man in a deep voice,"huh,w-who are you" marinette blushed and stuttered ."Shhhh less talking",he grabbed marinette's wrists and pinned her against the wall,he smirked."Wait please d-I don't want to do this" marinette begged as he leaned in."Don't cry honey it won't take long,not if you keep resisting",he then started to bite her neck as marinette quietly sobbed.

Marinette's POV
I've never felt so dirty in my life.He kept biting me and grabbed my breast.He said if I tried to escape he would make this worse for me.I want my little kitty...he made me feel safe...I want this to end..I did something so stupid,I screamed "HELP!!" I regret what just came out of my mouth.

Marinette grunted,"I warned you" said the man who was now angry.He pushes marinette on the ground she yelled "arghh",he then started to unbutton marinette's shirt roughly,showing her bra making marinette sob louder."I-I'm sorry sir,please I won't do it again!!"
Cat noir's POV
I left the middle of an alley,I feel double the guilt then I did before.All of a sudden I heard someone yell "help!" It was a women's voice,I could hear her sobbing.She sounded familiar,I turned around and stopped in my tracks.It came from the alley,the same alley where I left my princess.I took a peek,it was her...crying...getting undressed...when I saw this...I just snapped
The black kitten then transformed back into a human,he hissed and quickly grabbed his baton."Stay..still!" said the man getting more irritated,all of a sudden a baton launched at his back causing him to collapse.Marinette looked to see who it was,a boy in black leather with cat ears."W-who are you?!" marinette stuttered. The black cat ignored her and grabbed the man by his shirt and whispered into his ears,"don't ever touch her,you hurt her and now your gonna pay". Cat noir grabbed his knife and raised it,"no wait please,I-i won't do it again I promise" the man pleaded.Cat noir's eyes squinted at the man and then he put the knife against his neck,"she's mine,not yours"he grunted. Marinette realized what was about to happen,she got up quickly and grabbed cat noir's arm.He looked at her,"p-please don't d-do this" her eyes tearing up.Cat noir realized what he was doing and let the man go.The man then cowardly ran away,cat turned around and hugged marinette.Marinette shocked and confused just stood there,but hugged him back. "Are you ok" he said worried,"y-yea" said marinette.It then started to rain and cat noir offered marinette is he could take her home.Marinette didn't know him so she wasn't sure,on the other hand she was getting wet.

Marinette's POV
I looked at him and he looked at me with a smile.He put his hand out for me to hold it,but I wasn't really sure.The rain started to pour hard now,great just great.He then looked at my breasts and blushes,I realized it was still unbuttoned!! I quickly buttoned it,I was blushing really hard this was so embarrassing .I looked in his eyes one more time,they looked so familiar yet,unrecognizable.I grabbed his hand and he took me bridal-style home.

Cat noir's POV
My princess she was in my arms,her prince's arms.She felt warm,she held me tight.I could see her blush and smile a bit,I smirked.We reached to her balcony and I put her down."Thank y-you" she said shyly, "your welcome princess" I said quietly. She made me smile,I had an urge to kiss her,but I held it in.
"B-bye" said the girl, the cat waved her goodbye and extended his baton and left.The girl blushed and went in her room,she was wet though. She still thought about him,something about him made her keep thinking about him all night. She couldn't sleep,she missed her kitty and kept wondering who that boy was too.

Hope you enjoyed the chapters so far!😊I'll do more later😉

Kitty's princess ~marichat~ حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن