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"I will not serve him. I must consider my good reputation."

Josette scoffed at the tailor's words. She, Bronwen and Azubuike had visited the city shops to have Azu fitted for clothes.

Lord Guild had recommended the place but the tall, thin, elderly gentleman had been less then helpful - once he found out his customers were two women and a man as dark as the suit the tailor wore.

He glanced at Josette and her disapproving foot tap, crossed arms, rolling eyes and impatient tutting. The man continued to watch the window nervously for anyone who might see his unwelcome customers.

Unlike Mr Clare's shop, this one had large open windows, so people passing could see into it. Modern gas lanterns lit the room where natural light could not reach. Net bouquets of lavender hung around the place to hide the gas smell and keep moths off the fabrics.

"Your reputation will not be tarnished by us, sir," Bronwen tried again. "I will be sure to tell all my friends of your professionalism and the quality of your garments."

He didn't look convinced.

"I would require triple the money for such a contract."

Bronwen's eyes widened. Azu needed a full wardrobe. That amount of money was extortion. She had little choice, besides, Kole could perhaps get it back for her later. He would not stand for this man's attitude.

"Of course," Bronwen resigned. She just wanted to be away from the shop. Being there reminded her too much of Lowell.

She was struggling to keep the memory of his terrified features at bay. The sound he made when he gurgled on his own blood. The colour and thickness of the liquid that pooled beneath him.

Then her other memories added themselves to the fray. The wetness on her cheek when her assassin's blood fell on her. Haydon's head as the bullet utterly destroyed the back of his skull. Bronwen put a popping noise to her memory, akin to a cork on a wine bottle, when really, she had not heard what horrific sound an exploding skull makes through the sound of the gun shot. Liquid Bronwen didn't know existed in the human body had left through the cavernous hole the bullet exited, the entrance strangely clean in the front of his face. At least they would not have to identify him by his body alone.

She struggled to keep the bile from her stomach down at the grotesque memory.

"Bullshit," Bronwen gasped at Josette's language. Was she the only one who did not express herself with profanities? "You are not the only tailor in Guildford, and maybe not even the best."

Josette turned to the door and held it open while Bronwen and Azu stepped out. She noticed Azu had a smile on his face - something she had not seen before. He had been silent during the visit, making Bronwen wondered if he was used to such abuse - expecting it even. Something told her he had not been expecting Josette to stand up for him and Josette hadn't finished.

"And be assured, sir," she continued before closing the door, "I shall be telling all my associates about you."

A couple were stood looking through the window and were about to walk in when Josette grabbed Bronwen quickly by the shoulders and said, loudly enough to hear but not enough to be obvious, "I cannot apologise enough, Lady Bronwen. If I had known his hands were so wandering, I never would have recommended him!"

The couple who still had a hand on the shop door very swiftly changed direction and a few people who had heard muttered and spread the man's new reputation faster than the plague.

"Was that a little too harsh?" Josette asked, once they were away down the road, the rumour snapping at their heels, begging for attention.

"Perhaps just a little, but I daresay he deserved it," Bronwen replied. "Only, what are we to do now for a tailor?"

Dead Tempted - BOOK 1 - Pomegranate SeedsWhere stories live. Discover now