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Bronwen stood in the hallway with Azubuike, trying to make his ill-fitting jacket lie straight as she braced herself for the reaction that was sure to come once she opened the double doors to the dining room.

She had explained to Azubuike that her fiancé wanted to meet him before he could start his duties as her new bodyguard. Bronwen had also asked him again if he was certain he wanted the job. She did not go into detail about how difficult it would be, but she had made it clear to him that he was a free man and did not belong to her, or anyone. If after only a few days, he changed his mind, she would not stop him from leaving.

Azubuike had considered this and Bronwen had found herself hoping he would stay. Saving his life with her own breath had somehow joined them together on a level that was beyond mere acquaintance and she sensed he felt the same. Being around him felt companionable and safe.

He had nodded his certainty in his decision to become her bodyguard and Bronwen had led him downstairs to the doors she knew Kole was waiting behind.

Azubuike put his hands around Bronwen's to stop her fretting fingers. She looked up at him, marvelling at his height and almost black eyes. He inclined his head towards the door and let go of her hands. Bronwen took a breath and nodded, then entered the room.

Kole had his back to them, so Josette was the first to spot them. A small gasp escaped her as Azubuike followed Bronwen into the room making Kole stand and turn more abruptly then he perhaps would have otherwise.

His eyes widened when he saw the blackened shadow behind Lady Bronwen. She spoke quickly.

"This is Azubuike," she said, glad she had asked him to explain the pronunciation. He had done so patiently, despite her ignorance. "While I was out walking last night, I found him in the fields after some attack. He had been badly beaten and his clothing had been stolen from him. I could not on good conscience leave him there, so I brought him to Aterces so he could get some rest and food. Azubuike was so grateful that he has agreed to be my guard, as well as Mr Whyms."

Azubuike did not disagree with the slight changes in Bronwen's story. She did not want Kole and Josette to know that she had dived into a freezing river. It was bad enough that she had been out late at night on her own.

Not one of them met the eyes of another. Josette had been nodding the entire time Bronwen was speaking and had not taken her eyes off Azubuike, who was in turn starring at Kole. Kole had his gaze fixed upon Bronwen, who was looking at Josette, not wanting yet to face Kole's disapproval. Unfortunately, she did not get much say in the matter as he took her arm without ceremony and steered her out of the room, leaving Josette alone with Azubuike.

Once the door was closed and they were far enough away to not be heard, Kole turned on Bronwen, not yet releasing his grip on her arm.

"You told me he was attacked!"

"He was," Bronwen replied, confused as to why this was relevant.

"He is black, Bronwen."

"Yes," Bronwen said, not trusting herself to not say something sarcastic in response.

"Then he is probably a slave and his owners were trying to be rid of him."

"If he is unwanted, then there is no reason why I cannot have him. Slavery is no longer legal. He is a free man and I mean to employ him."

"They are still not our equals!" Kole was very close to her face as he scolded her, but Bronwen refused to back down.

"Azubuike is perhaps no more our equal than a servant may be, but he is a man the same as you are. And if you can have such a fear of him because of his appearance, then he makes the perfect guard for me. Who would dare turn their hand against me with Azubuike by my side?"

Dead Tempted - BOOK 1 - Pomegranate SeedsWhere stories live. Discover now