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"Good evening, your Grace," Bronwen said, removing her gloves as she stepped up to the door of the house and turned back to Thanatos. "I have had a most pleasant day."

"As have I, my Lady," Thanatos replied. He hooked Kharon's reins over his saddle and walked up a few paces to Bronwen. He stayed a few steps below so she was still higher than him.

"I would like to call on you again, if I may."

"I would like that," Bronwen said genuinely.

Thanatos took another step up. "Truly?"

"Yes," Bronwen said, but she was a little uncertain now, from the way he looked at her.

He took yet another step and was in front of her.

"Come with me, Bronwen," Thanatos whispered so sweetly that she almost felt herself reach out to him, mind and soul. Her body rocked towards him and pulled back again. She took a step away.

"Be with me. I can open your eyes." He held a hand out to her. Offering himself and all the powers he had to give. "When did you last let your heart decide?"

A shiver when up Bronwen's spine. Only his words could ever make her feel like that. Like the earth was tumbling beneath her and nothing was right. And the reason he could do this was because he was not right.

He had put on a show for her, seduced her, opened her to him and the possibilities he held. He was a distraction from the truth of her life and the more he pulled on her, the more she wanted to leave with him.

Bronwen slowly reached her hand forward, seemingly of its own accord. It hovered delicately over his. Thanatos did not move while she did this, his hand didn't shift an inch. It was her choice to make in this moment.

Bronwen left her hand there as she stared back into his eyes. They were an impossible colour. The deepest blue with hints of auburn and crimson that seemed to swirl within like an icy fire. She wondered if she was the only one who could see them for what they truly were, or if those too were changed for the benefit of appearance.

Bronwen pulled her hand away and held it to her chest, panting slightly.

Thanatos's face darkened beyond a comprehensible emotion. His hand made a move to reach for her...

"My Lady," Mr Durward's strained voice came from behind her. She tore her eyes away from Thanatos. "I am afraid I have received some terrible news from Guildford."

He held a letter out to her addressed to the house. Bronwen stared at it, a sick feeling in her stomach.

"What is it, James?" she asked, too scared to take the letter for herself.

He swallowed. "I am afraid Mrs Emry was in an accident. Her carriage lost a wheel in the woods and she went for help. Her horse must have been injured from the crash and threw Mrs Emry from it."

"But... she is alright?" Bronwen said though she knew from the look in his eyes what he was about to say.

"I am afraid not, my Lady. She... did not make it."

"I do not understand."

Mr Durward swallowed again and lowered his hand which was still holding the letter out to her.

Bronwen stepped towards him, panicking now.

"James, tell me you are lying. Tell me this is some jest. Tell me Lord Guild sent the letter to hurt me."

Durward couldn't look her in the eyes and she spun around to stare at Thanatos who was still there, now looking deeply concerned for her.

She took a step towards him, her eyes pleading and her voice small. "Tell me it is not so. Tell me Josette is still alive."

Dead Tempted - BOOK 1 - Pomegranate SeedsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora