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The wine-coloured dress Bronwen wore pooled out around her in a perfect circle. She knelt in the dim blue hue of the Under-realm. Thanatos stood watching her, waiting to see what she was doing here.

"I came to thank you," Bronwen said softly. She knew he was there with her, could sense him.

Thanatos took his time to reply. He enjoyed seeing her here, in his home. Her hair was so soft as it fell freely down her back. Her shoulders were exposed and he wanted to feel her skin against his. He never wanted her to leave this place.

"Thank me?"

Bronwen bowed her head and shifted her weight on her knees, the world around her brightened mildly. Thanatos moved closer.

"For what you did, for Azubuike." Bronwen turned her head slightly when he moved so Thanatos could see the line of her jaw and her elegant neck. "And for me."

"If you were to thank me for every deed I do in your honour, our conversations would become very dull indeed."

Bronwen smiled and rubbed her wrists. Thanatos noticed the action. He was about to wave away the chains when he realised she was not confined - as he had first met her all those years ago. Had the Halfpoint accepted her presence again?

When he had felt her soul then, he knew she was meant for him. He had decided he had to have her. So, he sent her back. Nothing grew in the Under-realm, so for twenty-five years he had returned her to the living, to grow and develop into a woman. A woman he needed.

"How did you get here?" Thanatos asked.

"I jumped."

"You killed yourself? Why?"

"To come here. To find you," Bronwen replied. Thanatos stood just a little way behind her now.

"Open your eyes, Bronwen," Thanatos whispered next to her ear. He had moved behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. She allowed them to remain there. The air felt cooler than before.

Bronwen did as she was bid and gaped at the change around her. Everything was white and there were flakes of snow falling past her eyes. She giggled like an innocent child and turned to face Thanatos who had also changed. He wore a shirt almost as white as the haze of the horizon. His trousers were loose grey and his feet were bare.

"Do you prefer it this way?" Thanatos asked, her haunting brown and blue eyes stood out more in this landscape.

"Very much so."

Her dress was still a brilliant deep burgundy. She held it out and caught a few flakes of snow in the dips of the fabric.

"Why are you here, Bronwen?"

She shuddered at the way he said her name.

"I needed to show you my gratitude," Bronwen replied. She looked at him and it almost hurt how angelic she appeared. It made her harder to resist. Harder to ignore the way her clothes moved over her skin. He stepped closer to her. Wanting to comfort her and smooth the frown on her face. Josette was dead, Azu had left her, Kole was not the man he appeared to be and her father had never been present in her life anyway.

"And how exactly do you wish to do that?" Thanatos smiled and Bronwen's breath caught in her throat. His eyes roamed her body appreciatively and he needed her.

"I have made my decision." Bronwen balled her hands into fists of determination. Thanatos glanced at them then back to her face. Bronwen took a deep breath and relaxed her fingers. Thanatos held his breath.

"I have not the fortitude for what you have tasked me. What I have tasked myself."

Thanatos raised an eyebrow and tried not to imagine how it would feel to bury himself inside her. To feel her around him. To feel her pleasure pulsing with his and to have her look at him with heated eyes and say his name in ecstasy.

"Through dangers untold and hardships..."


Thanatos shivered and took a step back. There was something wrong here. She should not be saying things like this. Not so soon.

"I am in agony when I am not here," Bronwen continued. "When I am not with you..."

She closed her eyes as she reached behind for the fastenings of her dress and undid each hook, slowly and deliberately.

When she was done, she allowed the fabric to fall to the floor around her bare feet and bare body.


She shivered at Thanatos's voice. Each snowflake was a chaste kiss on her fair skin.

"I choose not to return. I have done all I can do. So, I choose to remain here." Bronwen kept her hands loose at her sides. Thanatos wanted those hands to touch him. He wanted to pin those hands above her head and let her dig her nails in while he brought her to climax. "And, if I am to remain with you, then I see no further reason to deny what we both want. What we both need."

Thanatos closed his eyes. There was something not right here, but he was struggling not to embrace it. He moved close behind her and could smell her sweet scent. Jasmine, and the wild earthy aroma of the forest - of life.

"Say it." Thanatos laid a finger on her naked shoulder and ran it across her neck and down her spine. Bronwen shivered again and tipped her head to the side. He kissed her, tasted her skin and that sweet soul of hers.

"Habes meum..."

Thanatos sat up, breathing heavily. He was in his study, alone. He had awoken from a sleep and looked down at his groin to see the effects it had had on him. It was a dream and his encounter with Bronwen had been an illusion of the mind.

Thanatos shuddered at the memory. He had no need for such chimera. He had not dreamt in centuries. He had not slept in centuries. Not since...

No, it cannot be...

Not here. Not now...

She cannot be roaming the earth again...


{Never the end}


Yep, I did it, I'm one of those horrible people who end on a cliff hanger. Sorry ;)

Luckily for you, I have already released DT2 - Cherry Seeds which you can get here:
So hopefully, you won't be looking to send a lynch mob my way!

I really hope you have enjoyed the book and there weren't too many errors. I'd love to hear your thoughts so please do feel free to comment. Maybe even say what you would like to see in the next book?

If you did enjoy it, I would be grateful for any votes you would like to give as it bumps me up in the ranks and makes the book easier to find for other readers.
You can also get the fully edited first book here for only 99p or the print copy if you prefer:

To all of you lovely people who have already voted, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I look forward to seeing you in the next book!

Dead Tempted - BOOK 1 - Pomegranate SeedsWhere stories live. Discover now