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                     {Good without evil is like light without darkness, which in turn is like righteousness without hope}

Lady Bronwen listened as the actors on the stage performed. Her father and future husband sat beside her in the theatre box, watching with disinterest. They were there for show only - to be seen, not to see others. Bronwen was the opposite. She deliberately sat in the shadows of the curtains, turned towards the stage as best she could be. It didn't matter what the play was, she just enjoyed the escapism.

For a time, Bronwen could forget she was the daughter of Baron Donovan Wintre, only heir to his expansive land and wealth and betrothed to Earl Kole Guild of county Surrey. Bronwen tried not to look at her future husband. He was only a little older than she was, something to be grateful for. Kole was attractive and courteous and intelligent, but she did not love him. Care for him, yes, sometimes deeply, but not love.

They had met at one of her father's many parties, as had been planned. Bronwen had spent most of the evening by herself. She was used to it. She had very few friends. Her father had always discouraged any form of relationship with other people, his intimidating disapproval and almost aggressive manner towards anyone who so much as smiled at Bronwen had eventually forced her into an exile from social interactions.

So, it had come as a shock to her when Lord Guild had strolled over and asked her to dance, neglecting introductions. She remembered glancing over at her father first and awaited his approving nod before she took Kole's hand and allowed him to lead her to the centre of the floor.

"Forgive my forward nature, my Lady," he had said to her as they spun together, Bronwen keeping one eye on her father for any sign she had read his nod incorrectly. He had looked tense, but approving. "I am Lord Kole Guild and I have been waiting a long time to meet you."

"Earl Kole Guild?" Bronwen had been surprised. She knew of him of course, but had been unaware that he would be attending the ball and how young he was. It had made sense to her then, why her father had been so agreeable. How could he refuse an Earl? But it was not a matter of refusal and she knew that. It was a matter of social climbing.

Donovan had reached the height of what money could get him, buying his way to a Baronage with the wealth he had earned through a dominant fabric empire. Now the only way to progress was to marry off his only daughter.

Yet, it had still been two more years before Kole had finally proposed to her, and another two before they were due to be wed. The date was set for spring the coming year, following their four-year courtship.

Bronwen stole a glance at Lord Guild, then blushed and looked away when she saw he had been watching her. Kole was reclined back in his chair, relaxed and confident, unlike Bronwen who was straight backed and uncomfortable in her own pale skin.

"I have seen better performances in London," Kole said, a little too loudly for Bronwen's liking. "How do you find it, my Lady?"

Bronwen glanced around the theatre. It was small and plain in decoration. The curtains were a new, bright red like the chair covers and the stone carvings of the pillars were simple. She preferred the intimacy and proximity of the stage compared with the rare shows she had seen in London. She opened her mouth to say as much but saw her father's stern gaze was upon her and stifled her reply.

"I agree, Lord Guild," she said and turned back to the stage. Bronwen could sense he was still looking at her but she refused to meet his gaze. Kole had a complexity to his dark blue eyes that overwhelmed her when she looked into them for longer than a moment. Her own were dull brown like her wavy hair, styled away from her face in a loose braided bun.

Dead Tempted - BOOK 1 - Pomegranate SeedsWhere stories live. Discover now